Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Salomon Box Office Woes

They're not really woes in all honesty. More so just random thoughts as I sit here waiting for someone, anyone, to buy a ticket for Eurydice. I sold one Monday. But alas I will be shocked if anyone comes by today.
What is Eurydice you may be wondering? (if not you should be now)
Well, I shall tell you. Eurydice is a contemporary version of the Greek myth of Orpheus. He is this super mega foxy awesome musician and he is in love with Eurydice. They get married and everything's going grand. Until she dies. So then Orpheus is on a mission to get her back from the underworld. Now usually the story is told from his perspective, but we're changing it up a bit. It's primarily from Eurydice's point of view. You'll meet her father and Hades (who is overtly creepy mind you) who both present challenges throughout the play. And you can't have a Greek play without a Greek chorus: The stones. (That's ME).
And even if you think the story is absolutely dreadful (it's not, but I guess one could have that opinion if they're completely void of imagination and the like) you must see it just for the set. We have an elevator that rains. A river that flows. And Greek columns. Seriously though, this set is absolutely epic. You're loss if you don't get your butt in gear and buy a ticket.
Dates: November 1st (Tuesday) through November 5th (Saturday) at 8pm.
(And because it's THAT amazing) Encore performances November 19th at 2pm and 8pm.
It's cheaper than a movie ticket... so there is absolutely no excuse not to support me and this theatre department. If I have to guilt trip you into it then so be it. I'm not above groveling either. So just do it!!!!
End of my random thoughts. :D