Saturday, December 17, 2011

Messy Epiphany.

I would say Happy Christmas Break... but seeing as I have a few more papers to write still I will refrain. Let's all be honest here... you can't be shocked that I procrastinated even to the point past finals can you? It's me were talking about. With that said, I should be working on the papers as I type this but, of course, I'm not... obviously. However, once I get these array of thoughts out of my mind I shall dive right into my literary masterpieces (hah).

Hopefully by now you know I work at Barnes and Nobles. If you didn't well now you do. Welcome. So one of my biggest pet peeves is when people do not put books back where they belong. Naturally. I mean, how hard is it really to put the book back where you found it? I'll tell you... it's not hard. I do it all day long. It's actually really quite simple. Especially when you are taking one book out at a time and then putting it back... But Charity, you might say, aren't you ranting about people who don't put back the books? You just said that person did!!! Let me clarify for you my good sir/ma'am. Putting a book on a shelf does not mean you put it back where it goes. Lying it flat on top of books is not putting it back. Walking ten feet while reading and then placing it among other books that look about the same size (but consequently are now in Spanish) is not putting it back. Book stores are alphabetized so you, the customer, can find books easily. There is no magical alphabetizing button we booksellers push to clean up people's messes. Nor is there a magical 'find this book' button. When the computer says we have a book, let's say it's The Great Gatsby, but we can't seem to find it because someone decided to hide it in Christian Inspiration that's a problem. Sure we'll find it eventually but it's pretty darn inconvenient for everyone in the meantime. There are also those people that take out five books at a time, sit down in a corner, read a few and then leave them there. Now this is annoying too, but at least it's plain to see and easy to rectify.

Now, I know I've just grumbled and complained for what seemed like forever, but there is a point to my pissy rant. Today I found a stack of books back in the children's section (that's one of the only places where we have a bench to sit on). Sure I was annoyed, but then I picked up the five books and each one of them was about what to do when you find out your spouse has cheated. I felt like I had been hit over the head with a skillet. During this whole time of cleaning other people's messes I never thought to pay attention to what I was cleaning up. Each pile of books is a little window into another person's life. It could show their interests, sacrifices, or personal hells. But every pile of books and magazines I find from now on will be a connection, however small, to someone who visited the store. I just thought this was a neat little epiphany and I wanted to share it with you all.
Jumping back into homework. Wish me luck. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Waking up with a Smile.

I am stressed. That is evident when I have dreams about the papers and projects I have to do. Because of this I feel it is quintessential to remember and focus on the things I am thankful for. I don't think it has to be anything incredibly impressive... As you will soon realize. But in the last two days I've felt overwhelmingly blessed in spite of all the stress. So I am going to share these bursts of thankfulness now:

1) Commuter Whatever.
Every month or so PLNU decides to buy a whole bunch of bagels and doughnuts for the commuter students. They don't do a great job at advertising it (then again I never read any emails or watch chapel slides so this is probably just my perception), but I kind of like it like that. Because I'll show up for school or work thinking it's a normal no breakfast morning and then I see that little red sign and I get all giddy (imagine.. me giddy over food. haha). It's always a pleasant surprise. And I am thankful that commuters get little treats like this every once in awhile.
2) Completely cloudless Sunsets.
I don't know if any of you saw last night's sunset but I did. Well, technically the sun had already set; what I actually saw were those few minutes when the light from the sun still stretched out over the horizon lighting up the sky just enough so you can see exactly where world ends. And on days where it's absolutely crystal clear, you can see this far off island in the distance of the Point Loma campus. The first weekend I was here freshman year Bobby B mentioned this island, and how only on very clear days you can see it. I forget about it usually, kind of like how I forget about all the blessings I receive on a daily basis. But when I see that island I can't help but sing my praises to my father (the heavenly one). I am thankful for those little reminders.
3) Glee
Don't get me wrong. I haven't loved every single episode, far from it. And some of the songs they choose to cover are either obnoxious or simply unfortunate. However, this show started my junior year of College. And I have stuck with it through thick and thin. Currently I think it is at a high point. And I am excited to say that when Kurt, Rachel and Finn graduate this year so will I. It's a stupid comparison, but it makes me smile. And I am thankful for the music they create that helps me laugh and dance a little more through life.
4) Eleemosynary
You all should know by now I got a lead in a play (yes I like saying it. Who knows if it'll ever happen again! So I have to say it as much as possible... duh.) This play isn't a fluffy little comedy or some darkly absurd drama. It's a mix of both. But the theme behind this play is what hits me so hard. We all have flaws and make bad choices. Some of those choices are much bigger (and worse) than others, but in the end we all need forgiveness. From each other and God yes, but also from ourselves. If we can't forgive ourselves when we mess up on test because we didn't study nearly as much as we should have, or when we say something hurtful on accident or on purpose, or whatever then we'll never be able to accept anyone else's forgiveness. I am thankful for a passion that makes me think.
5) (this one goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway) Family and friends.
I am so blessed. They're (I should say you're because let's be honest... pretty much only friends and family actually read this blog lol) not perfect. But neither am I. But I love you all anyway. And for the most part I think you love me. I am thankful for your patience, and willingness to help me or listen in whatever way possible. It truly means the world to me. And I just hope you know I'm here for you too.

I could go on... for a long time... But I think five is a good number to end with for now. Today is going to be a good day. I hope you were able to think of a few things you're thankful for while reading this. :) Now go be awesome and remember to smile!