Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wait... I was a blogger? Let’s try this again!

I may or may not have completely forgotten that I actually wrote more than a few times on this Blog- like over 200 something times apparently? 

Yikes a bee.

Anywho let’s dive right into what really matters.

I’ve decided to read a new book- not earth shattering news- but here’s the rub. I just don’t really have the time?

How is that possible since we’ve been shelter-in-place/quarantined for over a month you may ask! Well I (gratefully mind you) still go into work for 40 hours a week, plus do my part time job on the side while packing up a house AND participating in two book clubs- so there you go. No time. 

BUT with the announcement of Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer coming out in August my desire for angsty vampire YA novels suddenly resurfaced. AND this book literally looks like a Twilight knock off... so, glutton for punishment, I dived in. 

Crave by Tracy Wolff.

532 pages- WHY?! 

I’ve almost completed chapter 6. 

Here are my thoughts thus far- 

Main character is Grace. The only real thing about her is her grief- both parents died a month ago and she’s dealing with a ton of emotions- losing them and then flying off to live with her uncle who is a ‘headmaster’ at a school in Alaska. 

Yes, you read correctly- a headmaster. In Alaska.

We meet Jaxon almost immediately- he invades her personal space - makes her feel uncomfortable - is very unwelcoming BUT she sees some haunted sadness inside him that she just KNOWS he doesn’t show anyone and can empathize with his overwhelming grief. I mean this is a literal excerpt, “We stand there frozen. Devastated. Connected in a way I can feel but can’t comprehend by our very separate horrors.” That’s just after she touches the scar on his face. AFTER THEY JUST MET. Who touches someone’s face 5 minutes into meeting them?!? 

Oh, and he’s ultra god-like hot and the most popular dude at this school. Of course. 

So blah blah we meet characters that might matter but obviously aren’t that important. She somehow ‘knows’ not to mention her run in with Jaxon to her HEADMASTER uncle. She then rooms with her cousin and she’s off to sleep.

WHEN SUDDENLY. She wakes up at 3am. And decides to take a walk around the castle (again, yes, that’s not a typo. A castle. In Alaska). Probably to do some other stuff too but I’m majorly skipping paragraphs at this point. She’s down at the entrance when two guys come in from outside. 

It’s 10 below and they’re wearing nothing but ripped jeans (oh yeah- all the males wear ripped jeans at this school, can’t forget to mention that) and a T-shirt. 

They threaten her, tell her she’s not wanted here blah blah, and then grab her to throw her outside to see how she’ll do in the cold. 

So Jaxon shows up (Duh). Saves the day. Talks down to the guys (who blame their hostility on the moon - werewolves much?) and makes them apologize to Grace. 

And now I’m sure we’re in for an epic jousting match of angst and pent up sexual desire between Jaxon and Grace. 

Let’s see what happens!

 (Pause blog to read more chapters)

Her boi has literally- in a blink of an eye- disappeared on her twice now and she’s not even REMOTELY thinking something fantastical is going on? AND he totally wiped blood off of her lip and licked it. Because that’s NORMAL! I’m getting annoyed now. Either he’s a psychopath or a vampire- yet she hasn’t mentioned either possibility. 

Oh good. There’s a party her first evening at the school.... a frickin party.... a ‘welcome to Alaska-school-for-obvious-paranormal-beings-but-not-so-obvious-that-the-new-girl-will-notice’ party! 

IT’S USUALLY A HIGH TEA for school unity?!? I mean- it’s Alaska? Does this author know where Alaska is? 

Okay- that’s enough for my first time back in a hell of a long time. But I’m obviously going to continue to read this not so great book and share ALL my thoughts. Stay tuned! Spoilers are definitely ahead. 

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