it doesn't help when my friends ask me to lie for them. it doesn't help when i can barely look in the mirror and face the truth that is staring back at me. it doesn't help that i have so much hidden inside me i could burst from the pressure.
i feel like i am living so many different lives. and i don't know which one i really belong to. if any of them for that matter. maybe they are all facades, hiding the real me that has been trapped for almost 8 years.
i guess my first step in changing is just being honest with the people around me about who i am
My name is Charity Ziebarth. And I am a complete dork.
I love reading. put me in a public library and i could spend my whole day there. And don't get me started in bookstores. Any and all my money would disappear. I am not going to take people's crap anymore about how i live more in "fantasy worlds" then the real world. which leads to my addiction to writing. Yes, more fiction and fantasy worlds. I will not stop writing because you walk into a room and need attention. Just like i would not expect you to put down your video game or stop a conversation with your friends when i walk into a room. It is apart of who i am. accept that, or leave. because i do not need people in my life who tear me and what i love to do down.
I love to sing. I left my music major because i felt inferior. i know how to play exactly 0 instruments and my singing isn't exactly perfect. I let self doubt and insecurity beat me out of what i loved to do. I will not let that happen in theater. I have made mistake these past two years when it comes to certain classes i have taken, specifically regarding attendance and staying on task with school work.. and that is going to change this year. I will be the best i can be. No more excuses.
I am sure i will still procrastinate, but i cannot let it control my life anymore. I have wasted more money and time and energy and hope by procrastinating then probably anything else.
I will start being honest with my friends. About everything. I am no longer going to be okay when they have hurt me. And i am no longer going to leave selfishness unchecked. (myself included) I am sorely tempted to write each of my closest friends a note on here, but maybe that will come later. for now i just want you to know that i am not the same. and i will not be a doormat any longer.
I love my mom so much. She is my best friend. I will continue to talk to her every single day i am in college. (unless i get super busy which, lets face it, does happen) i will not feel bad about it. and i will enjoy every minute i get to talk to her.
I have a brother. him and i have always butted heads. And i regret that i have not been the big sister he needed. I will be there for him his senior year of High School. i am going to be a better sister. a better daughter. and a better friend. and that all starts with the truth.
I hope my relationships can withstand the new me. I hope I can withstand the new me.
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