Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3-2-1 kaboom


y-o-u-r-e = you are, y-o-u-r = your. you are a bag of douche not your bag of douche. if you're going to insult me at least do it in proper english. that is all.

Hello day from Tartarus. You suck. You know what else sucks? 1) Having your best friend go into labor and not being able to be there because you have rehearsal. 2) Thinking you were doing an okay job at publicizing for the musical and then finding out no one agrees with you. 3) Not knowing what to do or feel about things. I know, couldn't be more vague, but I don't particularly want to explain it.

At least I get paid this week.

1 comment:

Mom said...

It sounded to me that you have been doing an excellent job on PR! Who was calling you a douche bag? That is so wrong!! They are just lucky I'm not there to take care of their little dirty mouth.
Love you!!! Me :)