Monday, January 11, 2010


First blog of the new semester.
Hello Spring Semester 2010.
Here is what I think of you:

-My new roommate is cool. Her name is Teagan (tee-ghan). Her favorite movie is Ever After. My favorite movie is Ever After. I don't see any problems in our future.

-I have no books for any of my classes yet. Hopefully I will know someone in each class that adores me and will let me borrow their books. It would be wondrous.

-I just want a New Moon Calendar. Why can't I find one already?

-My history professor is funny. Thank goodness for that because heaven knows I wouldn't pay attention otherwise. Here are some of the wittier things he said: (yes, I did write them down just so I could reflect back on them in my blog)
"We learn from our mistakes by studying the past. For instance, Pet rocks. Dumb Idea."
"If what Jesus did and said wasn't real, Paul said we should eat, drink, and be merry. I say head down to TJ and get wasted."
Like I said, funny. :)

-Had both of my Bible classes today. With the same professor. I think life of holiness will be fun. New Testament not so much. I will have to spend most of the class refraining from glaring at a certain someone and sending hateful thoughts in his direction. Stupid.

-Fantasticks go up in three weeks. On the plus side I am stoked. On the minus side our closing show is on SuperBowl Sunday (and if Vikings get in the superbowl I will be wearing their colors underneath my costume to show my support). On the plus side one of my really good friends from High school may come and see the show (I have missed him dearly). On the minus side I am still trying to figure out how to do all this PR stuff.

This turned into a list. Which has been happening quite a bit lately. Maybe 2010 will be the year of lists. Sounds good to me. By the way, one more thing. To anyone and everyone who thinks that replying in a text message with 'lol' or 'yeah' is a decent way to reply you are sadly mistaken. No one can continue on a conversation with those words. So man up and just say, 'I'm busy' or 'I don't feel like texting rite now' or whatever. Something beyond one word, vague, and nondescript replies thank you.

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