a) If a woman is reading this book than I think her husband/significant other/boyfriend/girlfriend/whoever needs to take a hint and be a bit more adventurous/fun in whatever ways they deem necessary. Seriously.
b) (and the real reason I explained this all to you) here is my manager's and my conversation earlier today (paraphrased because I so do not have that kind of memory):
"Fifty shades is super popular. I can't believe so many people have already bought it in two days." -me
"Well, the public isn't exactly thirsting for real literature." -him
"There was a bidding war for the rites to make it into a movie too!" -me
"They're going to make it into a movie? I don't think that's possible." -him
"I do. It will just be porn." -me
We both laugh and a few seconds pass.
"Remind me I have to get something for my mom for her Birthday. What do you think I should get her?" -me
"I've heard Fifty Shades of Grey is good." -him
I just about died laughing. Anywho, I should probably finish packing. I've been postponing the inevitable. But first! I shall briefly go over a few things that have delighted me over the last few days- in no particular order.
1) Iced soy chai Lattes (light ice) from Starbucks- I'm officially addicted.
2) Listening to Pointless sing- I love them.
3) Getting my car washed- Sydney is now clean! Yay.
4) Dying my hair blue- by accident
5) Happy and thankful customers- they're so delightful.
6) Coffee/Tea time after Chapel- :)
7) Caffeine- definitely helped me through this week.
8) Easter break!!!- I get to see my family!!
And now things that have most definitely not delighted me:
1) Screaming children with screaming parents screaming in the kids section of my work
2) Realizing this play I'm in is being treated like a joke. It's like an after thought; if even that. I'm including myself in this; I'm mad at me too. But had I put as much effort as I should have I would be more than furious with everyone else. So at least now I'm equally upset with myself and everyone involved/not involved.
3) My current emotional status- literally reeking havoc on my mental state. geesh.
4) The fact I've let my place turn into a warzone.
5) Flight delays- stupid.
Alright, now because I'm not about to finish a blog on such a pathetic note I will throw in a few quick blurbs about what I'm super excited for:
1) Graduating!
2) Harry Potter Land/DisneyWorld/Cancun!!!!
3) Pointless Concert!
4) Seeing Cynthia!
5) Completely new adventures that come out of nowhere and hit you in the face with a frying pan even though it's been staring at you this entire time. Maybe... I'm hopeful. :D
Have a great Easter everyone!
Wait...I hope that last list is not in order of importance or most excited about because Pointless should be number 1 of course followed by graduating. Come on, Charity. Get those priorities in order! ;)
I did say in no particular order... :p
Because duh-uh pointless concert is in one week!!! I'm stoked!
I was going to say the same thing about the concert, but then Michael said it...hawkward.
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