Speaking of habits... I have one. Well I have many... most of which I hate. Including the one awesome habit that plans to do certain things... like being productive... and then conveniently not doing any of those things. I'd guess one might call it laziness. But it's not just that... Because I always have every intention to do everything I plan on doing. Yet somehow I don't do any of it. Well sometimes I do a tiny little bit... I semi-blame the television. It's like a blackhole for time wasting. Even when the shows are awesome... it just gets ridiculous. Netflix is evil. Which only adds to the other point I'm going to make.
Losing weight is hard. And when you do accomplish such a feat... keeping it off is just as difficult. And usually... you don't even realize you're in a downward frappucino/sugarycandy/fried food spiral until it's too late. And you're back to square one. I'm not quite at square one, but I'm close enough to want to stab myself in the thigh. It goes back to the whole making plans ideology. I totally plan on eating healthy and maybe even exercising a bit. I plan on NOT eating fast food or the popcorn (which I totally ate today) or cheesecake or whatever else exists to make me fat. And yet for the last year my lack of commitment to losing weight or staying healthy was astronomical. And I don't know what the key is.... All I do know is I have only five months to lose weight for my wedding. And sure I don't look absolutely awful.... But I want to look a tad better than not looking absolutely awful. Haha.
And I'm about to say, well I can just start tomorrow. But that brings me back to my whole love of planning... And zero follow through. Full circle!
Any advice? Particularly to find that motivation? (You'd think the wedding would be motivational enough... And the wedding night but here I am chowing down on Halloween candy so obviously not :/ )... Maybe if I make a game of it? I love games! Or a competition? Ideas people! I need ideas!
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you either dressed up in some awesome costumes or saw some cute kiddies in some awesome costumes!!!
Until next time! ;)