Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I'm totes a Disney Princess.

Obviously.  I belong.

This wedding planning has me going a tiny bit bonkers.  There's just so much to do... and so much money that I don't have to spend on things I may or may never use again!  Talk about not overwhelming what so ever.

With that said, it's a baby step kind of process.  Michael has been a ton of help and support.  Which is great since I feel like I work almost all the time.  But trying to plan a future with someone else is also a new kind of challenge.  An exciting one at least.  And to think people ask about when kid's are going to start happening.  Hah!  No.  Let's simmer down and actually have a wedding first.  Crazy sauce.

I wish I could tell you a story about my work, but I'm pretty sure that posting anything about my job on social media is frowned upon immensely.  Alas, as entertaining as this story would be I must refrain.  The point of the story though (I can share that much) is: people can be ridiculously lazy and it's just so depressingly sad.  That is all.

Oh, and who is excited for all this Marvel talk?  Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange?!?!  Not going to lie... that last one is the best news ever!  However, waiting two or three or seventy years for all of these things to occur is unfortunate.  Patience is a virtue?
Alrighty, well Halloween is coming up.  Hope everyone has a blast.  AND makes good choices ;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog. You should write in it more often. Since we dont live together any more I dont get to see your face any more or hear about your day.
i miss you.