Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quarantine.. not the movie.. that's just creepy.

Today I was placed in quarantine. What does this mean? well let me explain.. I went to the wellness center on campus and they took my temperature. It was 101.8 degrees. Yes, I indeed had a fever. So because I am coughing, having muscle pains, headaches, and sinus problems they concluded I had Flu-Like symptoms and was to be placed in isolation. Which is where I am now. A room in young hall.. a boy dorm on the PLNU campus. You see there are so many girls that need to be quarantined they had to start placing us in the spots reserved for boys. I think it's funny. And it may sound like I am complaining, but I am just bitter because I am sick. Hopefully being away from people and staying inside will help me get better faster; it just kind of sucks not being able to see your friends and even, dare I say it, go to class. You may note the time, and think, shouldn't she be sleeping? However I have tried to sleep, but seeing as they gave me no medicine to help me sleep I am still awake.. coughing and wheezing away. I should have grabbed some nightquil before I left the room this morning. I should have grabbed alot of things this morning.. because once they diagnosed me with flu-like symptoms I was no longer allowed anywhere near my room. And I could go on and continue to complain but I think I shall change the subject now.

I got a part in the musical the Fantasticks!!!! I was lying on a cot in the middle of a conference room in the wellness center when I found out. I am surprised someone didn't come in and check on me I screamed so loud. I am incredibly nervous don't get me wrong.. I haven't actually been in a musical for almost three years, but I think my excitement outweighs everything else. Sadly I will still be in quarantine for the first read-through.. but thank God for skype. It will be like a conference call.
Oh and on a completely different note.. my phone is broken!! Somehow the screen completely broke, and all I see is white. So pretty much the only people I can call are on my speed dial.. and I only remember the first 5 that are programed. And sometimes, if I am lucky, I can reach other people.. but it truly is luck. Stupid obnoxious phone. So if you have texted me at all in the past four days.. and I havent replied you now know why. But I still receive calls!! so Call away, and feel free to send me care packages.. (of course I am going to milk this sickness for all I can get! lol) Actually Lauren and Megan brought me over movies and cake and Pajamas. I don't know how good the cake is for me.. but it was amazing just the same!! Well I am off to try and sleep again. Wish me luck.


"M" said...

They may have brought you PJ's but idea! :D

Chairitee said...

It was Aimelle's idea to bring me PJ's. I simply forgot to include her in the mini care package. I love them all.