Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Happens When You Annoy Me...

(484): We couldnt tell if he was gay so we started working glee quotes into the conversation to see if he noticed

Not that I think any guy who watches glee is gay, because I do not think that is the case, however this tfln was kind of funny. hahaha. And speaking of Glee, I'm really over people complaining about it. Here are my rebuttals to a few of the latest comments:
1) "It's so unrealistic." -OBVIOUSLY it's not realistic. That's like saying high school musical is realistic. Or Fringe is realistic or Lost is realistic. The list of unrealistic shows is ridiculous. Even Reality TV series are sometimes unrealistic. So yes, I get it. It's unrealistic.
2) "It depicts high school in a very clique-y and stereotypical manner that can ultimately have a bad effect on today's teens." -Let's face it people, I think Glee is the least of our worries when it comes to the bad effects on people in general. High School can royally suck. And there are indeed stereotypes galore. Nothing unheard of. Please, watch the Secret Life of the American Teenager and then come back and tell me that Glee will have a bad effect on Today's teens.
3) "I don't like so and so's acting/ singing, they're so annoying." -Then don't watch the show. Or don't complain about it to people who do like so and so, because I guarantee they don't give a flying squirrel what you think. I.E. me.
I love Glee overall. Sure it's not perfect and I can get annoyed sometimes with certain aspects whether it's a character, plot, or song. But that is the same with any show I have liked. But if you come right on out and say that you just dislike a character based on nothing but your opinion, please don't share it with me. When you think up a multi million dollar show that not only gathers millions of people together every Tuesday to watch it, but also sell millions of songs on Itunes and CD's then I will listen to you complain. But until then, keep your annoying opinions to yourself.
Just Saying.


Unknown said...


SD_Baby said...

oh my gosh charity i totally agree.....those people piss me off so much. just get over your self and stop watching if you have such a problem with the show. thank you saying something :)

Mom said...

Wow, Only thing I need to say is.....I agree :)