Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 92: Screw this.

I honestly am so over this whole thing. I just want to be home.. taking normal classes that don't make you do ridiculously idiotic group projects that belong back in high school... being with people who aren't sarcastic every minute of every day and who in turn don't make me turn into this bitter sarcastic person that dreads waking up every morning. I know I am so blessed to be over here... but I am seriously to the point that I just don't care anymore. I'm almost 22 and I feel like I'm barely 18. I'm treated like a child and yet given a work load the size of some masters programs. I will yet again get absolutely zero sleep tonight. And yes I know, if I didn't procrastinate this wouldn't be a problem.. only thing is.. this group project.. yeah.. it was a 'group' thing. hence not all my fault. And guess whose the only one still up? oh yeah that's me.. because I offered to write out the stupid note cards because people were whining and complaining about how the script wouldn't transpose onto note cards. So here I am still needing to write 3 papers.. writing out stupid note cards. When in fact my group members could be doing it during the two hour break between classes tomorrow. But apparently because I said I'd write them out it would be 'unfair' for me to say "here, you write your own note cards." because i had said I would write it for them. Smooth move right? Oh and I forgot to mention I'm also supposed to create a power power point as well. id like to rip someones hair out.. and no.. i like mine.. so it will not be from my head. And I know I'm wasting time writing this blog, but I just had to vent because otherwise I would have started bawling. I know I'll be okay. I always am. But I really really think this whole situation is pure poop. poop poop poop. ugh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll I can do is laugh. Even when you're angry you make me smile. The only thing you can do now is bust out the part that you signed up for and hope that you get to grade your group members. I bet you've reached that point where everyone is driving you crazy and you just want to go home and be with family, you just have to stick it out for 19 more days. Now blast some awesome music and get those cards done! ;)