Song of the Day: Beneath a Moonless Sky. From Love Never Dies. As I promised.. more songs from the amazingly outstanding musical. This one by far is one of my favorites. Then again, I would only mention my favorites on here, so scratch that last comment it proves redundant in a sense. Back to the song.. beautiful! and incredibly hypnotic. hehehe.
Again, I know, I haven't blogged in absolutely forever. And for the last three days it wasnt entirely my fault.. I didn't have internet. But all those other days.. yeah.. totally my fault. But I'll do a little update. Just got back from Wales! and no.. I didn't see any whales. I did go to this cool outdoor museum that looked like I had just walked into Pride and Prejudice. All I needed was Mr. Darcy to walk around the corner and then I would have been in my own first rate Novel. haha. and then I went to this church today and it was absolutely amazing. It reminded me of my home church back in Georgia.. We just worshipped and yeah, it was wonderful. There was this little old lady who came up to us beforehand and gave us cokebottle candies and she was just so sweet and reminded me of my Grandma. Which made me miss home.. and so on and so forth. But now I am back in London and have loads and loads of homework to do.. as usual. I swear, I cannot wait until I am home just because that means I have almost two months of no school. This work load is bloody ridiculous. You want to know exactly how many papers I have due in the next three weeks? 23. thats over one per day. yeah.. ridiculous. like I said. yet here I am blogging and uploading pictures to facebook. which reminds me... go check them out!! they are of Halloween party and Wales!!
The halloween party was fantastic. I did Jill's, Aimelle's, Jessica R's, and my make-up! And then I did my hair too. It was an awesome night just because I love dressing up. Probably a huge reason why I am a theatre major. I mean come on... I get to dress up and become someone else for a living!! Well, if I am cast that is. And if not I get to work backstage and watch other people do so. Pretty good gig if you ask me.
Nothing besides that has been happening.. Pretty boring if you ask me. I am going to Disneyland Paris in a week. So let's just say that's about the biggest excitement of my week, nay probably the month. because by then it'll be november! And my birthday will be a week a way. I am pretty sure it wont feel like a birthday at all over here. First of all.. it'll be my first without my family. Secondly, what am I supposed to do? Go to a pub and buy a special meal? oh wait.. nope can't go into a pub. Go to a store a buy myself a new pair of jeans? Oh wait.. they don't carry my size (and if they do.. they fit awkwardly and look ugly). Thirdly, we'll see how many people care. Because I mean, November seems to be the month of birthdays for people over here.. and im the last one.. so it's like.. so what.. its your birthday.. weve already celebrated three. lol.
anyway, i am off to bed. exhausted one might say. Or just ready for tomorrow to come. either way, have a wonderful day. Until next Time. :D
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