I tend to overreact. It's part of the whole being emotional 98% of the time thing. It's also due to the fact I care wayyy more than I should about things that other people probably don't give a second thought about. I'm also incredibly sensitive at times (baha alright... Most of the time) so you may hurt me without even knowing it. And because I'm passive aggressive to a fault I would rather make snide comments on twitter or fb then actually tell you I'm hurt. Or I complain about it to my other friends who I'm currently not upset with/hurt by.
I do not like that I do this Nor do I condone it.
Because a) it makes those friends dislike the person I'm complaining about and/or makes them ask if I even enjoy being that persons friend in the first place and b) I'm not solving anything by venting. Well I feel better afterwards and I usually can go on with my day... But then I get hurt a few days later and that feeling of annoyed bitterness comes back ten-fold. All because I brushed my feelings under the rug/table/pick your choice of furniture.
So what I'm trying to get at is I want to be more honest. Which sounds simple and you're probably thinking- what a concept! But it's not simple. It's not easy. I don't like making others feel uncomfortable. And I certainly don't like making others mad/upset/annoyed with me. However, I'm beginning to realize that by not being honest with others I'm tearing myself apart. I make bad decisions... I want to drown myself into anything but real life... I feel like I'm walking on egg shells. And it's all because I'm too afraid to share how I feel. Too afraid because deep down I think that if I confront an issue then that person (best friend, coworker, boyfriend, friend, even some family members) will realize I'm not worth the aggravation. This is when you say, "well charity, if they don't stick around for your friendship or whatever then they're obviously not worth YOUR time." And again, sounds simple. But it's not for me. I'd rather sky dive or scuba dive... Or any dive than dive into my tumultuous never-ending emotions with others. Because if I can barely understand them how do I expect others to?!?! Ughhhhh. Now I'm just talking in circles.
Thanks for reading. I'm going to attempt the honesty thing. Not that I'll tell every person who walks by wearing a pair of crocks that they need to reevaluate their fashion sense... But just be more honest with the people I care about... And who effect me on a daily/weekly basis. This should be fun. Wish me luck.
Everything is a work in progress and you have made bounds and leaps. I love you and support you. :)
Oh, I do wish you you luck! It is easier said than done - but I reckon it's so worth it! My name is Deirdre, and I 'stumbled upon' you a number of years ago via a mutual friend. I knew then that you were a great person, and as the years go by, I realise that you are quite phenomenal. I have daughters a little younger than you - would be very proud if they 'turned out' like you.
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