-Working at Bookstar.
Love: My coworkers. They are beyond fun and keep me entertained while simultaneously keeping me on my toes. My skipping, singing/humming, odd phrases, and the like don't seem to bother them at all. In fact I think they might even enjoy it. It's always a fun time when we work. There's so few of us that we're kind of a family. I am pretty sure I love every single one of them... Minus the Dementor... Though I guess dementors need love too... So why not... Im a loving person... And by-jove he's going to not dislike me entirely within this next year... That is my goal. Kill 'em with kindness!!! (or a really heavy book)
Loathe: the temperature is kept at a whopping 65 degrees in the stock room and break room. Which means I'm freezing half of the time... And I'm not exaggerating because I'm usually quite freezing in normal type temperature... So for all intensive purposes I might as well be working in Antarctica. But at least there it would be normal to wear a parka... Here... People look at me funny.
Love: I work at a bookstore. That in itself is love. Books have always been such an important part of my life and the fact I get to be surrounded by them all day almost every day is simply wonderful. But it also reminds me how few books I've actually read. I need to read more! Seriously though... I do. Got any suggestions? I finished three books a couple of weeks ago and then never mentioned them on here... They weren't really worth mentioning sadly enough. So I need moooore ideas.
-Living by myself.
Love: I know that when there is a mess or I've magically run out of food... There is no one to blame but myself. Don't get me wrong... I still think there could be a mystical type creature that hides my stuff and eats my food... But besides this mystical creature... The state of my place depends solely on me. Which in spite of the looming responsibility... It's nice to know I am in control of my place. I can decorate as I want and move furniture around the way I like. It's just super Awesome.
Loathe: I always come home to an empty place. Sure I have my stuffed animals (don't even kind of judge me... I have and will always love them... I don't have an exuberant amount necessarily... But come on... They're cute and cuddly and again... I live by myself. I can't cuddle with myself. Nor do I look like a fuzzy wuzzy bear. So, my tiny obsession of stuffed animals really isn't that bad... Technically) but other than them I'm all by myself. Every day. Most of the time I'm totally okay with that... But every once in awhile it's kind of sad. Which means I just need to invite people over more I guess... I'll have to ask Shakesbear if that's alright. HAHAHA. Just kidding... I don't actually talk to my stuffed animals...I'm not that weird. But I did name him that... Clever no? (technically Michael came up with the name... But shhhhhh ... I'm taking all the credit)
Love: I can walk around in my apartment wearing as little clothing as I desire. I don't walk around naked... (though I totally could... Ha ha) but, for instance, I can wear just a bra and jeans if I like... Or dance around in only my underwear and be perfectly okay because no one is here to look at me like I've lost my mind. It's just fun is all I'm saying... And I love it. (Some people might think that this is awkward... but that just means you have never had the pleasure of dancing about in your underwear. Because I assure you... it's the best) Also... I'm a girl... so walking around in less clothing than what is deemed necessary is kind of a big deal. I can't walk around in public with my shirt off. Not that I would ever want to... but my point is that since I live by myself I can wear whatever I like and no one's the wiser. ;)
Whelp, that's enough love and loathing for one day. I'm sure I'll have another installment out sometime... Maybe I'll discuss my love/loathing for iPhones! Or Pointless. Or being a girl. Or graduating (though that probably won't happen until school is back in session). But I definitely think this is going to be a reoccuring theme now. So stay tuned. And have one fantastic July!!!
OHHHH I almost forgot. There is a new(ish) song that I am falling in LOVE with.
Here it is: Good Time by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen. This is their lyric video. (Lyric videos are catchy and wicked fun.)
I seriously love it. It's so upbeat and lively. I think this summer has come out with some really kick-butt songs. And we're only half way through!!! So excited.
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