Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's almost 4am

Remember that time when I was going to go the gym.


Me neither.

Maybe I'll go today.  That would be good.

Anyway... hello.  It's December, still feels more like early October here in Sunny San Diego.  Maybe that's the reason why my Christmas spirit OMG I FORGOT TO FEED DARCY.  okay... we're good.  Fed Darcy.  I think he hates me.  I don't usually forget to feed him though so I don't think that's a reason.  I don't clean his home that often... it could be that.  I should clean his home tomorrow.  And go to the gym.  I'm starting a list.  Awesome.

1) Gym
2) Clean Mr. Darcy's living quarters.

That's all for now... I'm sure I'll add more as this blog progresses.  So, like I was saying.  Christmas spirit and all that jazz.  Mine needs to kick into gear.  It's there, but not THERE you know?  I think I'm just stressed is all, what with needing to buy presents, decorating, dealing with travel issues (and boy have there been a handful), emotional melt-downs, etc.  It's fun.  The holidays.

3) Buy my Mom's gift.
4) Clean?  Tidy up?  Something?
5) Do a Target/Vons run- get ribbon and bath wash (Because the bath wash I have right now is gross.  I mean it does it's job... and it smells fine enough... but it's gooey and goopy.  And we all know how I feel about the consistency of things.  It's why I won't eat yogurt.  Not that I eat my bath wash... but you get the point.  I hope).

So the other night I was a tad emotional.  By 'a tad' we all know I mean I was being absolutely ridiculous.  Michael was a trooper and helped my through the first bout.  And then Lauren helped with the second.  I realized something that night that I've now been wondering about.  I don't know about other people... but I for one HATE crying in front of people that aren't my mother.  Seriously... I can weep in my mom's arms like I have no pride or dignity what so ever... but if it's anyone else I feel like an absolute foolish baby child.  So then, when I keep it in... and don't cry in front of people... or at the very least try to keep it to a minimum... I find myself sobbing in my car by myself wishing I wasn't completely and utterly alone.  That someone was holding me.  Which doesn't make sense... because as I just said... I don't enjoy crying in front of people and it's not something I'm proud of.  Yet there I was crying like a baby wishing I could be hugged.  But I won't let anyone be near me as I cry.  It is a conundrum of the highest order.  And I do not like it.
I'd like to let you all know that after crying an obnoxious amount of tears I felt much better.  I don't know exactly how that works... because I wasn't even crying for a particular reason... I just was.  Crying that is.  And when I was all done...  I ate candy and fell asleep just fine.  No more overwhelming sadness.  I was good.  So again, I don't know if it's just a 'me' thing... and I'm crazy... or if it's a girl thing and we're all crazy... or if everyone feels this at some point.... so all of us are normal because we're all crazy.
I don't know if any of that made a lick of sense, but oh well.  Point is I'm okay now.  All the crying just got me thinking is all.

6) Stop leaving important things in my car.

Speaking of Sydney.  My driver's side window no longer works.  At all.  Something Michael can attest to first hand as he watched me struggle at Starbucks and then later at Santana's.  I think it made his night, whether he'll admit that I don't know... but he sure found it amusing.  Which is good... I think Sydney knows finals are this week and is just trying to help.  She'll go back to working next week.  I like to think that's how my car works at least.  As delusional as that may be.

7) Go to Alumni office.
8) Finalize loan stuff.
9) Prioritize this list from most likely to accomplish to least likely to accomplish
10) Go to bed - this is totally going at the top of my 'prioritized' list

A new book in a series I've fallen in love with came out today.  I started reading it already... so far it's awesome.  I'm sure I'll read even more of it later today... when I wake up.  I'd add it to the list... but the list is for things that I need to actually remind myself to do.  I never have to remind myself to read silly.

11) Write a review blog for Divergent

And now I think I shall leave you.  I know this wasn't the most thought provoking and mind bending blog you've read recently, but it's a little snippet into my brain... and that's always a fun adventure.  So hopefully I was able to get you to smile at least once.  And remember, as stressed out as you may feel/get over Christmas, school, job, friends, or even family, God Loves You.  (He loves me too)  It's awesome.

OH ps. This is totally vain of me after mentioning how much God loves you and everything, but I'm also debating on dying my hair. Nothing exotic. Just a darker brown? Like chocolate. Or coffee. Just a thought. Haven't officially decided. Though I'll admit... I'm spontaneous enough that I was debating buying the hair dye and doing it today. I'm not going to do that... But I was sorely tempted.

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