Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer Movies. Part 1. Dun dun dun.

I don't know if you know... but... I love movies.  And a huge chunk of my budget this summer is for a whole lot of movies (and Michael's budget... seeing as how he pays mostly).  We haven't had this big of a movie summer since my sophomore year in High school!  Point is, there are a ton of movies out there and I want to see the majority of them!

And because I am also quite considerate of my fellow man, and woman, I am going to share with you some brief thoughts on the few I have seen thus far.  I'll make it short and simple.  Or try to at least... because lesbi-honest... (this is a movie reference... if you don't get it please don't get offended. simply watch Pitch Perfect) I have a difficult time doing such things.  Alright. let us begin.

Iron Man- Pretty good.  Better than the second one that's for sure.  Made me want to watch Avengers again... which I don't think was really the point... but that's okay. "Puny God"

Go see it if you're bored. Or if you love Tony Stark aka Robert Downing Jr. 

Star Trek- Beyond fantastic. BEYOND!!!!! Want to see it again. Sherlock plays one Epic bad guy. (Notice how I use the word 'Epic' properly in the previous sentence... Notice how the the following movie did not)

Go see it this instant...
Why are you still reading this? 
Go now. 

Epic- Epic Fail. Epically terrible. Epic-less. The Opposite of Epic. --- those were just a few options for what this movie should have been titled. (I recently discovered that Dreamworks was NOT the company that produced this film... Which brightened my mood considerably because I was very disappointed that the same company that put out 'epic' movies like Shrek, Dispicable Me, and Ice Age would create such a craptastic pile of crap and title it Epic. So yay on that front, boo to everything else about this movie) 

Just don't.

Now You See Me- Went in not expecting much.  Got a few good laughs and some pretty awesome magic tricks.  Pretty enjoyable.

If you're bored, go ahead. Or if you just want to get out of the house. Still, go ahead. 

Man of Steel- In spite of what the critics are saying I quite liked this movie.  And I love Superman.  Why do people have to hate on him so much? Rude.  I hope they make more.

Take the time to go see this one... particularly because I want to hear other peoples thoughts....

Movies that are in theatres or will be coming out shortly that I really want to see:
The Internship
This Is The End
Monsters University
The Heat

And just think... Those are just the movies that are coming out in June.  Don't even get me started about July and August.


Feel free to argue with me or agree with me on any of my brief comments. ;)

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