Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Why the Twilight gender swapping book was lame sauce-Shocking, I know.

I finally finished reading Life and Death: a gender-swapping Twilight retelling.  I also acknowledge that where as I can usually finish a book in less than two days (three or four on an off week) this particular one took me almost a full month.  Sure, I can blame some of it on my work. I rarely do much outside the realm of work- and if I do get some down time I am the most non-productive human being on the planet. Ask my friends… they rarely hear from me. It’s sad really. Back to the point: like I said, I can admit when I am partially to blame, but the rest falls to the book itself- more importantly the characters.  

The main character to be precise: Beaufort Swan. Or Beaumont Swan. I don’t care enough to pick up the book and clarify. (All the character name swaps were just as awful, but who's really that surprised. She named Bella's child Renesmee. I mean come on.) He was absolutely and completely boring.  One can argue that Bella was too, but as a 16 year old ten years ago I could empathize with her insignificance.  I will also say that Bella at least had some snark to her. Some kind of sassy something. Beau however was nothing but this dull guy who I could not fathom why anyone let alone a gorgeous, talented-at-everything, almost perfect, girl vampire would even kind-of want. Seriously though, he was boring with a side of snooze-fest.  Meyer did not do him any justices. He used the word beautiful to describe Edythe more times than I care to remember.  Beau couldn’t string together a creative metaphor to save his life. He was contrived and, again, plain ole boring.

I really could go on with the annoyances I had with this book, but the more I realize how annoyed I am I begin to wonder why I wasn’t as annoyed with Twilight.  Bella was probably just as boring and ridiculous, and yet it didn’t bother me all those years ago. I think when it comes down to it, as a girl I was able to want to be Bella- a less than amazing girl who captures the heart of this gorgeously dangerous mythical being.  I’m sure a handful of girls my age desired that kind of connection with someone 'dark and mysterious' and/or ‘out of their league.’ They rooted for Bella.  She deserved some gorgeous guy to worship the ground she walked on darn it! But now that Beau is the lame human and Edythe is the vampire I kept wondering why in the WORLD would she settle for a guy like that.  I couldn’t empathize with Beau.  Because he’s the character I’m supposed to want.  As someone who has had crushes on boys her whole life, Beau was my intended target for the fictional character crush. However that did not happen, obviously.   I’d like to read about a guy that doesn’t remind me of parchment paper.  It comes down to this: if I had been Edythe I totally would have killed Beau in Biology class.  Just saying.

Hope this was incredibly insightful for you all.  I think I’m going to read Harry Potter now.   Have a Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I miss writing. I miss it more than I really let myself comprehend. And yet, I'm the only one who has prevented myself from writing. It's similar to my exercise habits. Or lack thereof. I know I should and I need to, and in all honesty I truly like exercising.  The feeling of accomplishment after a good workout is absolutely phenomenal. So then, why don't I do it?
I can probably attribute most of the reason to laziness.  Simply put- the desire to be completely unproductive. I don't like this anymore than I like stubbing my toe- or giving discounts to rude people- or cleaning up after other people's messy children. I have no real reason not to write and not to get up and be active. None. So, maybe this is a very small baby step into getting back out there. I have plenty to write about, that's for sure.  Let's see how this goes.

This will be my Step 1.
My introduction back into the blogging society.
Hello. My name is Charity. And this is a blog about nothing important yet nothing unimportant.
Just my musings.

First big musing: Life can be a tricky little booger.
Humans have such a range of emotions, opinions, beliefs etc. We can be completely compassionate one moment and take out our vengeance the next.  Our ability to hurt others is unimaginable and yet our abilities to help others in need, others we don't even know, is unsurpassable. We feel great loss. We feel great joy. We are unique. And then in the midst of all these very polar opposites we have monotony.  The boring day to day drudge that is life.
Talk about confusing. So what's a girl to do?
Listen to worship music. That is what I have chosen to do. If you're new to this blog, I have been a Christian since I was little. Have I been a good Christian? Not necessarily. Recently one of my coworkers seemed surprised when I told her I was a Christian. She said, "I didn't see you as one." And of course she didn't mean it in a bad way, in fact she made it very clear that most of the Christians she knows try to beat her over the head with the Bible. Obviously... not what Jesus would do and I apologized for them. But it also made me think, I'm not a true representative of Christ if people don't know why I am nice and (on most days) even tempered. I want God's light to shine through me.  I want to love on people just because Jesus loves them- not for personal gain and certainly not to lift me up any.
I've also been trying to pray more, lose my temper less, and in general, not talk crap about people when I'm upset. Now, I still fail a ton of the time. But I'm not going to give up. I'm going to continue trying to be a supportive and loving wife, loyal and honest worker, obedient and respectful daughter, and overall decent human being. If any of this can help circumvent the headaches of trying to understand why humans are the way they are and why life is the way it is, then I will be a better person for that.

Wow, okay... good talk I think! Maybe I'll surprise you with musing number two tomorrow... or maybe just a general thought or two. Who knows. We shall see. dun. dun. dun.

PS Don't judge, but I totally plan on reading the re-imagining of Twilight called Life and Death. I'll let you know how it goes. hehe.