Friday, February 19, 2010


(314): I just got my poem back from the prof, there's a sticker of a girraffe on it and it says "you're awesome!" ... How can this even be considered real college?!?

You may think I am joking, but I am not. This milk has like magical properties! You should try it someday, and you will get addicted too. I am going to go to Trader Joe's today in hopes of finding it in bulk. Because the Express store on campus only carries it two days out of the week and I was lucky today because i got the LAST one. But I don't want to live in anticipation no longer, I want milk in the morning! in my fridge!
the end.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I cant dye my hair... unless Doc approves because I was cast in the Runner Stumbles... Yes, you read correctly... I was cast!!! and just like I said... I am completely and utterly shocked. Stoked, but shocked. And I am so happy because if I hadn't gotten in this show I would never have been able to be in another Doc directed show (because I will be in England next semester when his show goes up, and then I graduate). Now my mom can rest easy because there is no possible way I can get my nose pierced. My thoughts are too jumbled to really write a comprehensible blog.. so I will stop now. :D

PS I just spoke up in Bible class (probably the first time I opened my mouth in this class. hah). I told everyone about Tamar's story. I pretty much rocked it!! Point for me.

Whisper this.

-Soooooo.. I chatted with my mom. She didn't like the piercing idea... not one bit.. and even though it still interests me I shall respect her wishes and not go down that road. However.. dying my hair.. is just fine!! That is the plan.. even though now I have to figure out what I want to dye it... again.. ideas?
-So the show we saw was Whisper House by Duncan Sheik. It was good. Chipped in to buy the soundtrack. Way eery and incredibly lovely singing. I don't think it's going to make broadway.. I mean I saw Ace in the same theatre.. and it doesn't even compare to Ace. But for $25 it was worth it. And it was definitely a fun time with the theatre girls.
-On Facebook there is this event that says today is You are beautiful day.. so tell someone/anyone that they are beautiful. I definitely think this event could not have happened on a better day. I changed my profile picture and everything.. I dedicate it to all my beautiful friends out there.. even if I didn't tag you in it. You Are Beautiful!
-I dealt with a fare share of rude people yesterday, and I hope today will be different. Before you say or do something, just think before hand. If you wouldn't want someone doing or saying it to you.. then don't do it/say it to others. For instance: don't talk down to others, don't ignore others, don't be a snot. I will do my best to take my own advice, and be more pleasant today. :)
-Happy Birthday Teagan!!! She is my roommate, and even though I know she will never read this, I want everyone of you who might read this to know that she is turning 22 today!!! and she is Fantastic!!!! So happy birthday girl, I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Down down down the rabbit hole

I'll be honest, I have never been a big fan of Alice in Wonderland.. especially the disney cartoon one.. I felt like her voice was wayyy too high.. and thus made me want to rip out all my hair. But I am absolutely stoked for the new Alice that comes out March 5th. My mom bought me some Alice themed make-up from Urban Decay, and I'll admit.. that's what did it. I am wearing it right now and feel more like Alice already. crazy? maybe... but at this point I couldn't care less.
Tomorrow I find out if I will be cast in The Runner Stumbles. If I am in it, I will be a) thoroughly shocked b) thoroughly ecstatic and c) probably going to be jumping up and down for a solid day. If I am not in it, I will a) be kind of really sad b) change my hair drastically c) get something pierced. It will be the only way for me to cope.. because I am sitting here positively depressed because I have this inkling I won't be getting in.
So hair ideas: cut it.. not likely. I love my hair now.
dye it.. yes. what color? blonde? strawberry blonde? dark brown? black? lets discuss this tomorrow..
piercing: my mom is going to read this.. and probably kill me.. but I might get my nose pierced. after our Hawaii vacation though, so don't worry Ma'.
But here is my reasoning: It is not a tattoo. it will close up when I take it out next year around graduation time. It might not even heal properly and I will have to take it out anyway. But in the grand scheme of things it is not permanent, and I promised I wouldn't pierce my ears anymore. You can discuss your opinions below... I am all ears.

I am going to see a musical tonight.. I forget what it is titled.. ghost house? house whisperer? ghost whisperer? But its by the same guy who did Spring Awakening.. and that was pretty awesome.. a little intense.. because I totally saw boobage and butt.. (you think I'm exaggerating.. but I promise I am not.. full on boobs. and butt).. so we shall see what happens tonight. Hopefully it will make me happier.. because as of right now.. still wishing I could fall into a rabbit hole.. join me?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Alphabet Soup

I am such a liar. That whole work out thing lasted two days. It's not like I don't have the drive. No No, I totally want to work out which is kind of weird, I just don't have the time. Which brings me to my next point: I have officially performed two shows!!! to two different audiences!!! Talk about a high. But a high that is totally legal. :D My mom even surprised me and showed up for Opening Night on Tuesday!!! Only one of the many reasons why I love my mom.

Now I have been filled with a mixture of emotions this past week, let me touch on a few of them:
a) annoyance- I know I am really busy, but I am happy. Doesn't that mean anything?
b) happiness- I can't even remember all the reasons I have smiled this week, but thank you just the same.
c) frustration- Do not blame me for the lack of audience members, I did my best. I have never done publicity before, and I really tried. I put it over sleep and school work multiple times.
d) hurt- Aren't you proud of me?
e) excitement- Show number 3 tonight... it can only get better!
f) pride- my co-parent in this show has inspired me in so many ways. she is amazing.
g) love- I love you.
h) guilt- Even though I am happy being involved in theatre, I still miss you and feel like I am failing as a friend. I don't want to fail you, but I don't know how to fix it.
j) joy- Jesus.
k) nostalgia- I miss high school. which is probably why I want to teach, but just the same I wish I could be there for all my friends (and brother) who are still experiencing HS life.
l) shame- I don't show my appreciation for things people do for me.. and I don't know how to show how thankful I really am. I don't think a Thank You is really enough, because I don't deserve a majority of what you do.
m) confusion- I just don't know what to do about you anymore. I legitimately give up.
n-z) nervousness- Am I going to remember my lines? Will the audience laugh? Will I ever be cast again? Can I get through this without pissing every single one of my friends off? What's going to happen when this is all over?

Who doesn't love a good rant? But in conclusion, I am going to make a conscious effort to go to church every weekend. I will start working out again, and I am going to be proud of who I am no matter what I look like. and I hope you are proud of who you are!! :]

Awkward moment of the day: I walked into bible class and there were three students from the previous class waiting to talk to the professor. I usually ignore those stragglers and just find a seat, but today I hear, "I like your bow." (I have a red head band with a bow on it in my hair today) So I turn to the front and there is this guy smiling at me, and so I hesitantly reply, "Thank you?" And I definitely made it a question, not a statement. (because lets face it, I'm not used to guys complimenting me ever, for any reason) And before I could weigh his reaction to my obvious shock that he just complimented the bow in my hair, I turn back to make my way to my seat but on the way manage to knock into five different chairs and a table. It was really smooth on my part.