Thursday, February 11, 2010

Whisper this.

-Soooooo.. I chatted with my mom. She didn't like the piercing idea... not one bit.. and even though it still interests me I shall respect her wishes and not go down that road. However.. dying my hair.. is just fine!! That is the plan.. even though now I have to figure out what I want to dye it... again.. ideas?
-So the show we saw was Whisper House by Duncan Sheik. It was good. Chipped in to buy the soundtrack. Way eery and incredibly lovely singing. I don't think it's going to make broadway.. I mean I saw Ace in the same theatre.. and it doesn't even compare to Ace. But for $25 it was worth it. And it was definitely a fun time with the theatre girls.
-On Facebook there is this event that says today is You are beautiful day.. so tell someone/anyone that they are beautiful. I definitely think this event could not have happened on a better day. I changed my profile picture and everything.. I dedicate it to all my beautiful friends out there.. even if I didn't tag you in it. You Are Beautiful!
-I dealt with a fare share of rude people yesterday, and I hope today will be different. Before you say or do something, just think before hand. If you wouldn't want someone doing or saying it to you.. then don't do it/say it to others. For instance: don't talk down to others, don't ignore others, don't be a snot. I will do my best to take my own advice, and be more pleasant today. :)
-Happy Birthday Teagan!!! She is my roommate, and even though I know she will never read this, I want everyone of you who might read this to know that she is turning 22 today!!! and she is Fantastic!!!! So happy birthday girl, I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

You are Wonderful!!! And Beautiful. Loved what you wrote and your positive attitude. Awsome :)