Tomorrow I find out if I will be cast in The Runner Stumbles. If I am in it, I will be a) thoroughly shocked b) thoroughly ecstatic and c) probably going to be jumping up and down for a solid day. If I am not in it, I will a) be kind of really sad b) change my hair drastically c) get something pierced. It will be the only way for me to cope.. because I am sitting here positively depressed because I have this inkling I won't be getting in.
So hair ideas: cut it.. not likely. I love my hair now.
dye it.. yes. what color? blonde? strawberry blonde? dark brown? black? lets discuss this tomorrow..
piercing: my mom is going to read this.. and probably kill me.. but I might get my nose pierced. after our Hawaii vacation though, so don't worry Ma'.
But here is my reasoning: It is not a tattoo. it will close up when I take it out next year around graduation time. It might not even heal properly and I will have to take it out anyway. But in the grand scheme of things it is not permanent, and I promised I wouldn't pierce my ears anymore. You can discuss your opinions below... I am all ears.
I am going to see a musical tonight.. I forget what it is titled.. ghost house? house whisperer? ghost whisperer? But its by the same guy who did Spring Awakening.. and that was pretty awesome.. a little intense.. because I totally saw boobage and butt.. (you think I'm exaggerating.. but I promise I am not.. full on boobs. and butt).. so we shall see what happens tonight. Hopefully it will make me happier.. because as of right now.. still wishing I could fall into a rabbit hole.. join me?
1 comment:
You promised me NO MORE PIERCINGS!!! You said that you would wait till you are 25 for anymore. Please!!!! Why do you want to ruin your beautiful face? It is NOT pretty at all to have any piercings on your (or anyones) face. I am going to stop. I am getting upset. I need to go.
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