Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day that's for sure. Auditions for Eleemosynary were at 330! I think our professor's have a thing for plays beginning with the letter 'E' this year. Not that I mind. Because I've just been cast in BOTH of them. You read correctly, I got cast in Eleemosynary. As if you didn't already know. It's been blasted over fb for 12 hours now. The three of us (Julie, Alyssa, and I) can't seem to wrap our heads around it I think. So we just keep screaming, posting, and doing happy dances sporadically whenever we feel like it. I'm sure the excitement will die down soon... haha. Hardly, but maybe we won't be as shocked that what we actually wanted worked out. It's an eerie feeling getting a part I desired. Never happens. And even if this is the only time it ever happens I am thankful nevertheless. Okay, I've rambled on enough about plays and theatre for right now (I'm sure you'll be reading more about it as the months go on anyway so don't feel jilted :D ).
Another topic I've felt pressing on me is the absurd amount of idiotic tendencies we put ourselves through when we 'like' someone. At least on a girl level I know that we usually are hyper aware of every single look, movement, word, facebook post and breath of the said person we like. (this is obviously a generalization.. but it's what I've noted over the past 23 years) It's slightly creepy and completely pointless! I don't know why we put ourselves through so much emotional duress. Analyzing those texts he sent you... won't get you any answers, because analyzing words from a screen is one of the dumbest things you could do anyway. Seriously! Someone could write, hey hows ur day and to me that means we're obviously just friends and you don't really care whether or not I reply... but then someone could write Hey, how's your day? and that suddenly means they care more because they've used punctuation marks and have spelled out words. But in reality person one just cares a whole lot less about using proper grammar in texts. It potentially means zilch about how they feel about me!
I think deep down we know when someone likes us. Or when we're wasting our time. I'm not saying give up on all crushes. Because sometimes people just need a little bit longer to see how amazing we are. BUT, let's refrain from getting our heads stuck up on cloud nine because we can't seem to think about anything else. We shouldn't let them have that kind of power anyway, even if we can't control who we 'crush' on, we can control how much we let it invade our mind.
I know we also can't really control that achey feeling (some call it butterflies.. but until that crush realizes and likes you back.. it's really just an awful stomach ache) we get in the pit of our stomach when that crush walks by. We can, however, control how we act. We should all try to act as much as who we inherently are (in other words... don't act overtly flirty or annoyingly mean in hopes to gain some attention- if they end up eventually liking you... you probably want them to like you not the 'you' you pretended to be...) as possible. I just think having a crush shouldn't ruin/dictate life choices. Even though I'm pretty sure that's what we let it do.
My point is, let's just simmer down. Having a crush is fun and allows for loads of stuff to talk about with our friends, but don't get your hopes up. (OR just be honest with the person and tell them you like them... no matter what it'll work out in your favor. They'll either be interested or you'll realize you need to get over them asap -> but seeing as this hardly ever ever ever happens.. I'm just going to go with the don't get your hopes up bit)
The end. :)
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