Recap: It seems that when you 'like' someone you aren't really good at controlling those feelings. In spite of this fact, you should do your very best not to let those feelings control you. Don't get too head over heals because you'll get hurt. Dial back the time you hang out together.. or the amount of time you think about how 'awesome' they are. Don't put yourself in a situation where you're bound to get overwhelmed.
I say these things not because I'm a pessimist. I'm not saying that if you have a crush on someone they'll never end up liking you back. That's totally and completely possible. Woohoo for hope! I'm just suggesting, especially after these last few weeks, that you just put yourself first, and not them.
I stand by what I've already said... you can't let your crush control you. As wonderful as I'm sure they are... no one is more important than your mental well being. Because let's face it.. crushes can make us all a little insane.
End of recap.
Now, what happens when this advice is ignored... glad you asked. Since I'm sure you've never felt unwanted, rejected, or just completely worthless due to a crush-like situation let me enlighten you (this is sarcasm ladies and gentlemen just in case you take things a tad too literally).
Imagine how a discarded yellow banana peel feels. It protects this wonderful fruit that is germinating inside it; probably thinking about the day it gets to show what it's been hiding for so long and wondering what's going to happen. And then that day comes, the banana is ripe and awesome, they get peeled back... only to have the fruit ripped from them, eaten, and then tossed aside without a second thought. Nothing to show for it's efforts and devotion.
Yeah... I've been that banana peel. It sucks.
But unlike the banana peel it's not the end of the world.
You can make sure that never happens again... Just become a nun/monk. Hahaha. kidding. Threw that in there to see if you were paying attention.. didn't know if I lost you after the banana analogy.
So the person you've liked for who knows how long turns you down in a way similar to this: "Sorry, you're just not good enough. You're too (insert numerous qualities you hate about yourself here)." And sure, they never actually say that exactly... but we all know they might as well have.. because it's kind of the truth. At least we think so.
Here are the steps you should now take:
1) realize that it's their loss. I know everyone says that. But seriously. It is. There is something unique and wonderful about every single one of us. And if that person can't see it because of some physical attribute, personality characteristic, etc... then that sucks for them.
2) they were not that great to begin with. When you like someone it seems as if they walk on air. and are beautiful and charming and this and that.. honestly.. ask all the people you talk to about them.. you think they poop rainbows. They don't. They're human... and humans can be pretty stinking dumb. I mean I'm sure they are nice, but they have flaws and and insecurities too.. only difference is.. you just boosted their self esteem.. while they crushed yours. (how unfair is that?)
3) get drunk. HAHA. again.. kidding. sorry... I couldn't help but toss that in there. In fact, I actually suggest staying away from anything that would increase your chance of calling/texting/facebooking them and making a complete fool out of yourself. Have some dignity. The moment they turn you down is the moment you have every reason to pity them for life.
4) spend some quality time doing things for yourself. You've been so wrapped up in them (whoever the idiot crush was) for so long you've probably forgotten what YOU like to do. Read a book.. go shopping.. create something.. bake something.. listen to Adele.. Just make sure it's all for you and no one else.
5) c'est la vie. I personally hate it when people use this phrase, but it doesn't change the fact it's absolutely true. Crap happens. It sucks. But you're still living and breathing. Be thankful for what you have and the experiences you've lived through. It's bound to get better.
I'm sure there are a ton of other things you can do.. but that's for you to figure out. If you need to be angry then be angry... or sad or whatever. but I stand by my five steps. I promise they'll lead somewhere great. Kind of like how that wardrobe led to Narnia. Or Platform 9 3/4 leads to Hogwarts. Definitely somewhere great.
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