Thursday, May 31, 2012

Graduation Vacation- Final excerpt

Good song time!
Brokenhearted by Karmin
I first really listened to her on a car ride with Megan DeBoard in March- delayed reaction obviously. So fun though. Just go listen. Maybe while you continue reading. ;)
So, I'm officially back home in San Diego. I did a great job at keeping everyone updated on my vacation. Three whole blogs! Well, now a fourth... Hah. I'm going to summarize the last week in a succinct yet descriptive manner:
HARRY POTTER LAND WAS AMAZING!!!!!! UNIVERSAL STUDIOS WAS SOOO MUCH FUN!!! I LOVE WATER RIDES!!!! BUTTERBEER TASTED FANTASTIC!!! AND ALL MAGICAL!!! Then went to my great Uncle's house... and he had a GOLF CART in his garage... which means I drove around in a GOLF CART FOR A WEEK. We also did some water parks and DisneyQuest (Giant arcade heaven!!! played four-way air hockey... it was intense. and insane... because my mom was still partially blind... so imagine that for a moment why don't you). Then we came home. And I found out I GOT THE PROMOTION AT BOOKSTAR!!!! You are now reading the blog of the new Kid's Lead at Barnes and Nobles in Point Loma!!!! All the responsibilities!!!
So yes, that was the rest of my vacation. Overall it was great and fantastic in spite of the stress that I wasn't exactly prepared for. I love my family and am very thankful for the pause in reality they provided me. I miss them already and wish that there was a way we could be closer to each other.  :/ But alas, for now I will deal with the distance that separates us.
I am now going to add pictures of the vacation.  I used a really cool app called picstitch to throw them together.  The first few will be from Universal Studios and the rest will be from Disney. I'll leave the captions up to you... imagine the possibilities!

Please excuse whatever haphazard shape and format these pictures turned out in... blogger didn't want to work properly. And by properly I mean in a manner I need it to work and do things.  Obviously.  But hopefully the pictures give you a glimpse of how wonderful it all was.  
So, like I said before, here I am back in San Diego... graduated, with a full time job. Crazy right?  I guarantee you had I been asked if I was staying in SD at the start of last school year I would have said No way! With a sad chuckle on the end.  But things change and I'm pleasantly content with such happenings.  Well, more than content. Incredibly happy.  I still miss my family, but that goes without saying.  It's really the only main downside to sticking around here.  That just means I'll have to visit and visa versa.  See? Totally doable.  Alright, I'm going to jet off, but before I go here are five random (and not so random) things I am grateful for:

1) Band-aids- there for you whenever you may decide to wield a knife in a way that a knife probably wasn't made for...
2) Skype/Google Hangout- "You're funny." and I love it. (won't make sense to most of you... that's alright... keep movin' along)
3) Pinky rings- because they're cute
4) Pointless- I'm still obsessed. #notmyfault
5) Golf carts- self-explanatory

Monday, May 21, 2012

Music to my ears. Literally.

Remember in my last blog when I mentioned a few songs I'd been listening to but couldn't post any links due to the simple fact there were no videos?  Well it turns out that two days later a few videos have been posted.  And so here I am again, promoting and hooraying for such occurrences as these.  There are only five from their concert so far, but since I know the guy uploading them (he's my boyfriend) I know the rest are sure to follow and will eventually be placed in a loving playlist for all you soon-to-be die hard fans and/or current ones.

Carry On My Wayward Son
Don't Cry Out

Now, I can't just go posting links to songs without any type of narration or commentary.  This is a blog afterall.  I have a favorite, and in all honesty it's been my favorite for almost five years now... and this concert was the first time I saw it performed in tune... for the entire thing.  (I know that may sound confusing... and you're probably thinking ... that makes no sense.. how could you like it if it's off key?  Well here is my answer to that: one of the soloists was always off key.  [turns out they just had to change this particular soloist... what a concept] The other soloist, and the main reason why the song is so bloody fabulous in the first place, always sounds beyond fantastic.  and oh yeah, he's the boyfriend.  One bazillion points to me.)  Dun dun dun and the song is... Don't Cry Out.  So, if you're in a rush and can only listen to one... there ya go.  Seriously, stop reading this and just go watch it.  duh. (Oh and like it at least fifty times and comment on it's wonderfulness... I know I will... I haven't yet... but I so will.)
However, Everything and Carry On My Wayward Son are also very awesome.  I enjoy both songs... and am still a tad disappointed they nixed the choreography for Carry on... if you'd like to see it... go here (you will chuckle at least once, I swear). Or just peruse their YouTube page yourself!  All kinds of goodies await you.  And I seriously mean all kinds of goodies.  It's like Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans; good luck.

As for the rest of the 2012 Concert... well, if you just can't get enough of the videos (or your patience, like mine, is next to nothing... and you don't want to wait for the rest of the uploaded concert videos)  go to iTunes and buy their latest CD.  Search: Pointless VI  It's the cool cover with the ties.  Because that's their thing... crazy ties... (and just craziness in general, but I love them for it).  It's only ten bucks, and it's beyond worth it.  I promise.

Okay, I think that's a pretty solid promotion blog.  I linked almost fifty things... (I love hyperbole!!!) so watch at least one of them... and just enjoy.  I love Pointless and am really pleased that the year I graduated they were extra wonderful.  :D

I'll post a blog about Butterbeer and Hogwarts and water rides next time around.  But for now, let Pointless rock your world. Toodles.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Graduation Vacation: entry #3

Soooo, it's been awhile since I've updated because a crap load of stuff has occurred and I wasn't in the best mind set to be writing about any of it... otherwise all you would have been reading were curses and gibberish angry words.  It would have been amusing no doubt, but hardly an acceptable blog post.  Especially one while I'm on vacation. haha.

But to get us started I am going to shamelessly promote Pointless (best male acappella group at PLNU...hehe the only male acappella group... but they'd still be the best either way. Truth.) because if you remember correctly a few blog posts back I went to their concert and it was AMAZING.  And currently their two worship songs are kind of keeping me at peace and are simply beautiful. BUT because they have yet to upload ANY videos from their concert onto youtube I cannot share these songs with you... but must tell you to go to iTunes...  search Pointless VI ... and then buy Beautiful Things and I Will Not Be Shaken.  Or just buy the whole CD.  That works too.  It's worth it; I promise.

Well, let's get the poop news out of the way.  My mother had a detached retina and had to have surgery on Tuesday- while we're here in Orlando.  Since then she has been able to do absolutely nothing with the family.  She's barely been awake these past three days to be all honest.  And I put a brave face on at first acting like it wouldn't change anything besides the fact she's not with us... but that's just it... she's not with us.  And that changes everything.  And now, we have alot of research and decision making to do tomorrow because my mother can't get her eye wet.  And well, since Cancun is primarily full of 'wet' type attractions.. like pools and the ocean... it seems a bit problematic.  Not to mention a whole bunch of other factors.  So long story short... I will adapt to whatever is decided.  And if worse comes to worse... I have my e-reader and have at least three books I'm behind on.  Read all the books!

Now, let me clarify, I have been having a really great time in spite of my Mom's stupid eye freaking out and deciding it doesn't get enough attention.  Attention whore.  It's just been different, and in the back of my mind I'm bummed my Mom's not with us.  With this said, we went to a water park, Magic Kingdom, and Epcot in the last three days while my Mom's been down for the count.  I've had tons of fun and even though my emotions are as temperamental as San Diego weather I'm doing great... right now. lol.  My Dad and Brother have been super patient with me, as have some other people I've let loose on in the last two days.  They know who they are... and I am very thankful you put up with my antics. :D

Here are some pictures for your pure enjoyment/entertainment:

And because this blog is still mildly depressing I shall share with you some funny little stories that occurred within the last day.  They shall each begin with:
         That awkward moment when...
You're taking a picture with your dad in front of the fake Eiffel tower in Epcot and the lady taking the photo asks if you're a couple.

         That awkward moment when...
Your father asks which side you'd like to go on.  And you reply, "I don't care," while simultaneously turning left.  Only to realize a good ten steps later he turned right.  The Disney monorail attendant found it hilarious.

         That awkward moment when...
You and about twenty other people are stuck in a monorail cabin with a wasp.  And everyone stays absolutely still (after getting as far away from it as possible, of course) because no one is brave enough to kill it.

Fun times.

Tomorrow we leave Disney World and transfer to Universal Studios (HOORAY FOR HARRY POTTER LAND!!!!!!)  (I'M GOING TO DRINK BUTTERBEER)  (I'M SO EXCITED).  Oh, and it's my brother's 20th Birthday.  No big deal. So go wish him a Happy Birthday on Facebook or call me and I'll hand you right on over to him.  Scream the Happy Birthday song as loud as possible (I'll sing along of course)... this act of thoughtfulness usually makes his day.  hehe.  But seriously, I love my little brother and hope that even in spite of all this nonsense he has one wonderful birthday. Love you Daniel. :)

Whelp, that's it for now.  Until I post again... drunk on butterbeer!!!!!!  Muahahahahahahahaha.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Graduation Vacation: entry #2 :

A few tunes to get us all started- 
Two very very different songs, but I find them both incredibly catchy and can't stop listening to them.  The first one is mildly depressing and has nothing to do with my feelings... but let's face it... when Maroon 5 sings (mainly Adam Levine) one has to listen- on repeat.  And Tobymac was my favorite back in middle school.  It's nice to know he's still got it going on (Backstreet Boys reference!!!) 

With that done I can now begin with the updates of what's been going down here in Florida.  Well, A) we made it safely.  B) my parents are sneaky little things and have been lying to my brother and I for over a year now.  You see, we usually stay at this one particular time share here in FL and it's really neat and has a giant volcano pool.  And up until about an hour ago this was the plan.  And then my sneaky parents put on this ruse that we're visiting family friends at the Disneyland Contemporary resort.  LIES.  We checked in!  No big deal.  That's a lie.  It's a huge deal.  This place is beautiful and amazing and DISNEY and yeah I may have teared up because my parents out do themselves... as per their usual.  I'm always grateful for any Family time... including time spent in my living room at home in Vegas... but then they go and pull things like this and I'm seriously overwhelmed.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I could probably continue with all the screaming but I hope you get my point.  

And on Mother's Day no less.  This is the day I'm supposed to be figuring out how to make my mom feel extra duper special.. and here she is.. making me feel like a princess.  So... any ideas?  Haha.  I'd say I have only about 13 hours to figure it out, but since I'm going to be with her non-stop for the next two weeks... we'll make that my deadline.  I have to think of something that blows her out of the water.  And she's not the kind of person that I can buy the world for (no no, she'd rather do that. lol.) but more so acts of service get her going.  So maybe keeping up with the laundry and cooking and doing things she'd normally have to do!  I can totally iron and cook and clean! (It's a time share so we don't have maids coming in every day)  I can maid it up!  Okay, so that's my plan.  But feel free to throw out any other ideas.  And then my Dad graduated and got his doctorate this year... and instead of walking with his class in NEW YORK!!! he decided he'd rather watch me walk at PLNU.  Because graduation day was on the same date.  So, then there is that.  And I have no idea how to even try to make that up to him.  Of course he'd say 'just spending time with you is worth it' which... is hardly enough.  So, I'll be thinking about ideas for him.  AND it's my brother's 20th birthday on the 18th!  Which is Friday.  And technically I haven't gotten him anything for his bday yet.  I can actually buy him something... but I don't know what.  Maybe a hat.  He LOVES hats.  Obsessively so.  Hmmm. Thoughtful.  Speaking of my brother this is a convo we had waiting in line to buy some Harry Potter land tickets:
Daniel- I don't know why I have the urge to headbutt you every time I see you, but I do.  I mean I'm controlling it, but the urge is there.
Me- Just me?
Daniel- I look at Mom and there's nothing, and then I look at you and I just want to headbutt.
That's our relationship.  I love him. 

Alright, well it is that time to get off my computer and mingle with the people I've been talking about. haha.  We may be going to DisneyQuest tonight so that's super exciting and then we're going to a restaurant called Ohana at the Polynesian Resort.  "Ohana means family"- Lilo and Stitch.  Appropriate.  :)  

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.  You're awesome.  Period.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Graduation vacation: entry #1

And so it begins. I may or may not have procrastinated packing for this trip until the last hour but hey! It's all done and here I am at the airport... Waiting to board a plane that I get to sleep on for 5 hours. I might read a little bit... And listen to some music... But hopefully I'll primarily sleep. I think I got about three hours of sleep last night? Haha. So yes, definitely sleep.
I'm really excited to get to spend two weeks with my family. I feel like I'm back in highschool again... It's odd, but in a good way. We'll be celebrating mother's day and my brother's bday while in Florida. So that means every one of us has something to celebrate.
All the celebrations!!!
Welp were going to start boarding now... I get to be in the middle seat! Which usually would bother me... But I get to be in between my mom and brother so it's kind of like I'm being surrounded by pillows! I love them. And theyll keep me warm because let's be honest... I'm absolutely always cold.
And on a completely different note: i hate how awful I am at communicating when it's about something I feel uncomfortable talking about... Usually involving feelings and what not... Verbally at least. On here or in any written form I can eloquently enough present my thoughts in an orderly fashion... I'm not nervous and I'm completely honest. But this doesnt exactly promote healthy relationships... When I try to do this in person? I end up sounding like a baboon who forgets what she's saying half way through... I'm honest enough, but i get super forgetful... Not to mention my sentences trail off into absolute silence... And then that just makes me more embarrassed and awkward and want to bury my head in a hole... I say all this because my friends and family have put up with these little quirks of mine for awhile now ... And I'm always grateful for their patience and love. Just had to word vomit all that out really quickly...
Ps... We're on the plane
Pps... It's not nearly cold enough.. I would like it to be more like a freezer and less like a refrigerator. Just saying. But luckily I have this awesome sweatshirt that will engulf me and keep me super warm. Hooray!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

A pocket full of Change.

 I find it simply fascinating that I can sit down and write an entire blog at least a page or two in length only to reread it and decide to erase it entirely.  I do this for a few reasons: sometimes the blog is just stupid/only consists of me whining/gossipping/complaining (which is synonymous with whining, I know)/having an emotional breakdown (which, let's be honest... blogs are not the place to have those... that's what friends are for) OR I feel like the worlds biggest prat.  For instance, this last blog I just erased... I felt like I was some British anthropologist discussing change and it's effect on me and my all grown up life... blah blah blah.  I was so boring!  

So here's to this blog in hopes that it's a hell of alot more interesting and quite frankly not a bunch of hoity toity balogna.  

Welcome, nice seeing you again.  Been awhile.  Roughly five weeks actually.  Last time I was here I was having a bit of an issue.  And of course I was being passive aggressive about it and trying to subtly hint at it without really saying what I meant-best communication skills ever.  Which for the record didn't work- at all- because they were pretty darn subtle and pretty awful hints.  So I had to grab life by the balls and make a decision and be assertive.  Which in the end worked out amazingly well.  

So let me rant a little about what's gone down in the past few weeks (and because I love lists... that is what you get): 

1) The issue that got settled was me telling the guy I liked that I liked him.  The whole thing is one funny story and maybe I'll share it with you one day... but that day is not today.  So, like I said above.  It worked out well, because we're dating now.  Exclusively.  Meaning he's my boyfriend (Hi Michael ^_^).  We've almost been together for a month now, which is kind of weird because it definitely feels like it was last week... lol.  But I am very happy about this.  Extremely happy actually.  And even though I'm going to miss him over the summer while he's away... I'm still happy.  :)  (Speaking of which, Michael, feel free to call/text me when you're done reading this... lol)  He's kind of  (no kind of, he just is) awesome and I'm super lucky and blessed he's decided to give me a chance. :D

2)  I finished my final play in Salomon Theatre at PLNU.  No Exit.  If you didn't see it... well you missed out for sure.  Mainly just because I think it was one of the most challenging roles ever.  I played an evil person... well she was a very selfish manipulative bitchy person at least.  Also, pause, how the show came together like it did I will never know.  I technically was barely off book the week before we ran it... and the dress rehearsal?  Yeah I skipped a full page or two of dialogue.  And yet... somehow.. it pulled together and we kicked some major butt.  So anyway... my character was evil.  And my mother (who saw it almost every night- thanks Mommy) said that one of the nights during the final scene where my costar picks up a knife a girl behind her started whispering 'stab her, stab her!' (the 'her' being me) And I just think that is one of the coolest things ever.  Which may sound odd.. but to know I played a character well enough to get an audience member wanting to stab me... well, I think I did pretty well indeed.  And it was just a whole lot of fun in the end. (the beginning and middle not so much though... haha).

3) I graduated?  Yeah, I graduated.  Technically I'm officially waiting on my Calculus grade before I can be completely gung-ho but as long as I get a D- or higher I am in the clear!!! I had so many people come down to support me and I can't thank each and everyone of them enough.  As awkward as I got sometimes with all the attention I still appreciated all the effort and time everyone took to make my graduation day a thousand, nay a billion, times better than my high school graduation.  I am so grateful to you all.  

4) I'm on a plane tomorrow flying to Orlando Florida with my Mom, Dad, and Daniel.  We're going to be hitting up DisneyWorld and Harry Potter Land (which is actually Universal Studios and AdventureLand but ever since Harry Potter Land opened.. That's really all I call it.  For obvious reasons).  And then we fly down to Cancun.  So.. lot's of sun.  Even more sunblock and all the pina coladas I can drink- within reason of course.  

5) Random things I want to touch on really quickly: 
     -Those of you who haven't heard.. I sprained my ankle two weeks-ish ago... now that you have heard... I'm doing much better.  It was a fun experience to say the least, but here comes another giant thank you to those special few of you who took extra good care of me in my gimp-like state.  You all know who you are (yes, that includes you Mom).  So Thank You!!!  
      -I've been trying to lose weight since the start of the semester... that's a lie.. I'm always trying to lose weight...since I can remember at least. haha. but this year I actually made a real effort... and it's paid off.  I've lost 18% of what I used to weigh.  I'm not down to my goal size just yet... but I'm not about to stop now.  So that's super exciting!!! 
      -I'm planning on staying in San Diego.  More information on that to follow considering it's sort of tentative... :D 
      -Pinterest is seriously one of my favorite websites ever.
      -The Avengers movie was bloody fantastic.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember it for the life of me.  With that said: Thanks for reading and I'll catch you the next time around-which hopefully will be sooner than five weeks from now... but no promises.  ;)