Thursday, May 17, 2012

Graduation Vacation: entry #3

Soooo, it's been awhile since I've updated because a crap load of stuff has occurred and I wasn't in the best mind set to be writing about any of it... otherwise all you would have been reading were curses and gibberish angry words.  It would have been amusing no doubt, but hardly an acceptable blog post.  Especially one while I'm on vacation. haha.

But to get us started I am going to shamelessly promote Pointless (best male acappella group at PLNU...hehe the only male acappella group... but they'd still be the best either way. Truth.) because if you remember correctly a few blog posts back I went to their concert and it was AMAZING.  And currently their two worship songs are kind of keeping me at peace and are simply beautiful. BUT because they have yet to upload ANY videos from their concert onto youtube I cannot share these songs with you... but must tell you to go to iTunes...  search Pointless VI ... and then buy Beautiful Things and I Will Not Be Shaken.  Or just buy the whole CD.  That works too.  It's worth it; I promise.

Well, let's get the poop news out of the way.  My mother had a detached retina and had to have surgery on Tuesday- while we're here in Orlando.  Since then she has been able to do absolutely nothing with the family.  She's barely been awake these past three days to be all honest.  And I put a brave face on at first acting like it wouldn't change anything besides the fact she's not with us... but that's just it... she's not with us.  And that changes everything.  And now, we have alot of research and decision making to do tomorrow because my mother can't get her eye wet.  And well, since Cancun is primarily full of 'wet' type attractions.. like pools and the ocean... it seems a bit problematic.  Not to mention a whole bunch of other factors.  So long story short... I will adapt to whatever is decided.  And if worse comes to worse... I have my e-reader and have at least three books I'm behind on.  Read all the books!

Now, let me clarify, I have been having a really great time in spite of my Mom's stupid eye freaking out and deciding it doesn't get enough attention.  Attention whore.  It's just been different, and in the back of my mind I'm bummed my Mom's not with us.  With this said, we went to a water park, Magic Kingdom, and Epcot in the last three days while my Mom's been down for the count.  I've had tons of fun and even though my emotions are as temperamental as San Diego weather I'm doing great... right now. lol.  My Dad and Brother have been super patient with me, as have some other people I've let loose on in the last two days.  They know who they are... and I am very thankful you put up with my antics. :D

Here are some pictures for your pure enjoyment/entertainment:

And because this blog is still mildly depressing I shall share with you some funny little stories that occurred within the last day.  They shall each begin with:
         That awkward moment when...
You're taking a picture with your dad in front of the fake Eiffel tower in Epcot and the lady taking the photo asks if you're a couple.

         That awkward moment when...
Your father asks which side you'd like to go on.  And you reply, "I don't care," while simultaneously turning left.  Only to realize a good ten steps later he turned right.  The Disney monorail attendant found it hilarious.

         That awkward moment when...
You and about twenty other people are stuck in a monorail cabin with a wasp.  And everyone stays absolutely still (after getting as far away from it as possible, of course) because no one is brave enough to kill it.

Fun times.

Tomorrow we leave Disney World and transfer to Universal Studios (HOORAY FOR HARRY POTTER LAND!!!!!!)  (I'M GOING TO DRINK BUTTERBEER)  (I'M SO EXCITED).  Oh, and it's my brother's 20th Birthday.  No big deal. So go wish him a Happy Birthday on Facebook or call me and I'll hand you right on over to him.  Scream the Happy Birthday song as loud as possible (I'll sing along of course)... this act of thoughtfulness usually makes his day.  hehe.  But seriously, I love my little brother and hope that even in spite of all this nonsense he has one wonderful birthday. Love you Daniel. :)

Whelp, that's it for now.  Until I post again... drunk on butterbeer!!!!!!  Muahahahahahahahaha.

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