Friday, June 15, 2012

Stupid people and Random smiles.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Sometimes it doesn't feel that way though. I feel like people suck and thereby hurt/offend me accordingly. I've already had three instances today where I had to take a breath and tell myself to not let them ruin my day. Maybe they're having a bad morning... Or a bad week... And have no idea they're being rude/offensive. Of course I'd like to let them know exactly where they can stick their newly purchased book and presumptuous attitude... However, I refrain. Because I like my job.
But sometimes it's incredibly hard not to take personal offense when people are inconsiderate... Some people talk down to you, some ignore your comments/questions entirely and move right on to what they deem worthy to discuss, some are just plain snobby, and others well- others can choke on a hotdog.
With all this said I think I'm taking today all in stride. What happens happens and I have the power to let it ruin my day OR ignore it and move on. And luckily my emotional capacity is fairly level right now so I don't have to work as hard to stay calm and carry on (hahaha I hate that stupid phrase... But it's so true in this instance).
I've also just realized I'm in a whatever mood... The kind where I just don't give two heaping piles of dung about what people think about what I say on here. Take it to heart or ignore what I say completely... Your choice. Writing just helps me feel better. And now here is a list of other things that also make me feel better: I'm super excited for Lauren because she got a full time job at the Rep!!!! And I'm so proud of her. And my mom is coming to visit next weekend and I'm super stoked for that.... And I'm going to the Del Mar fair tomorrow... Lots of things I'm happy for and care very much about. The whatever mood is mainly for all the stupid people that unknowingly or sometimes purposefully piss me off. It's for people who fail to go out of their way for others. Rant #2 begins now.
Example: when I'm at a retail store and I mess up a stack of shirts... I usually fix it. It may not be the best fixing job but I try. I go out of my way for friends and coworkers too. I try and think of ways to make them smile... Whether it's bringing them random Starbucks or just sending them a text. I never thought these were weird actions. Until lately. Lately when people leave piles of books randomly throughout the store on an hourly basis. Or friends who forget I exist for large chunks of time.
I just don't understand how hard it is to try and think of others before yourself... Or at the very least treat others how you'd like to be treated!!! I know I don't do this all the time... I'm far from perfect. But I try really really hard to show I care. And it's getting annoying realizing I'm a minority in this way of thinking.
Now that I've said all that... I'm in a much better mood. Work is still going by painfully slow, and I have a coworker who I swear is a Dementor but besides that I'm better. Especially because a) I'm going to work out after work and I'm super excited. Haven't swam almost all week and I miss it. b) (and this may be silly of me) I've been with Michael for two months as of today. And I know for some people that's not a big deal and who cares... But it just makes me happy. And he still makes me happy.
Also I look cute and professional today... Which normally I wouldn't mention because I don't do that sort of thing (still in the whatever mood apparently lol) and that also makes me happy. So after this odd post of frustrations and random smiles I leave you with this: do something for someone else today that you normally wouldn't do. It can be as small as you like... And they may not even notice. But I promise it'll make you feel great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are made me chuckle today at this blog :) Can't wait to see you soon!!!! Don't let that dementor get you down :P Put up your patronis!!! MOM