I made it down the mountain!
And you should be impressed by this because.... this is what it looked like the whole way down:
That is fog ladies and gentleman, at 10 am. Told you that you should be impressed. I didn't die. Nor did I kill anyone. Mission accomplished! Insert Mission Impossible theme music here. You'll have to imagine it because I don't know how to include sound in my blogs just yet.
So anyway, I made it back to SD. And with a speeding ticket to show for it! Yep, you read correctly. I got a speeding ticket! And you want to know the very best part?? I wasn't speeding!!!! At least not at the speed he accused me of. He made this big deal that I had 'Nevada' license plates and I overheard him teaching his fellow cop guy (they had been on motorcycles) what to look for and blah blah blah. So ultimately I was a training session. He was a douche nugget. And I am totally contesting it. The end. This is how I feel when I think about it:
Change of subject. I've gained roughly 6 lbs since the last time I weighed myself... which was like four months ago... so a pound and a quarter per month isn't oh.em.gee awful. But It's still pretty awful. And it's supremely difficult when no matter what or how I feel I want to eat. For instance:
I am happy, I want some chocolate to celebrate my happiness.
I am sad, I want some chocolate because chocolate will make everything better.
I am angry, I want to punch someone in the face and then eat chocolate.
You can replace chocolate with other food too. I eat it all pretty much. This is me:
and this:
Maybe not as messy. But you get the point. I love to eat. So now I'm making the very difficult decision to start eating better and exercising (again). I say 'difficult' not because it isn't the right thing to do. I know being healthy is definitely the correct choice. It's difficult because as I said above... I eat my feelings. And I'm a very 'feeling' kind of person. So instead of eating when I feel happy, sad, angry, etc. I have to find something new to set my mind on. Going to the gym will help, reading/writing might help. I know of one particular thing that would help keep my mind off of food... and satisfy those pesky feelings at the same time! Two birds with one stone kind of thing. BUT that wont start happening so I'll focus on working out. ;) I'm rarely vague nowadays... sooooo... you'll live. Besides I gave you epic .gifs today. You should be thrilled. Okay... maybe not thrilled... you are reading my blog after all. But mildly entertained at least?
Alrighty, whelp, I shall head to bed now. I guess. Thanks for reading and have an awesome Humpday. That stands for Wednesday everyone. Just in case your head is in the gutter and you begin to think you should go around humping people. Don't. It's just the middle of the week.
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