How I wish I could write about certain things on here but I can't?
Not because I'd be vulgar or crass. Nor because the topic would be frowned upon by the general public. Mainly I can't write about certain things because people gossip and/or assume I'm writing about them. Which is probably most likely the case but still. Using this as a venting post for anything other than generalities would probably cause mayhem and bitterness. So alas, no venting shall I do.
Maybe it could be about how I need to lose weight?
Then again, I feel like every other post is about such a topic and honestly we all know I need to get over myself and just do it already. Point taken.
How about ... OH! I know. How about the latest two CD's I bought?
1989 by Taylor Swift VS V by Maroon 5.
I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on these two cd's. For now here is mine:
1989 was and is mediocre at best. I was totally super excited for this CD. I actually bought it in CD form too because I usually love her stuff. It's catchy, fun and dance worthy. At least that's what I had been expecting. What I ended up getting was a 1980's retro version of Hillary Duff's Metamorphosis. There's a few songs that might get me bobbing my head a little bit... but nothing that makes me want to get up and shake it... except for the aptly named 'Shake it off'. Overall I was entirely underwhelmed. And that made me sad because this was the first of her CD's that I actually bought for myself and now I'm kind of regretting wasting the money.
V, however, is the exact opposite. I've always moderately enjoyed Maroon 5. They've had catchy songs but nothing good enough to make me buy the whole album. So I took a chance... primarily due to the Maps song. I'm quite pleased by my impulse buy. I continue to love Adam Levine's voice and I am thrilled that once I've finished the CD I find myself wanting to listen to it again. The only thing I'm semi-sad about is Adam's song from Begin Again isn't on the CD. It's called Lost Stars and it's phenomenal. Go look it up. Oh wait... I can just post it on here. HAH. Do all the work for you I do.
Alright. Well, you're welcome. And to end my point. V is better than 1989. In my personal opinion that is. Disagree? I'd love to hear why.
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