Friday, November 21, 2014

Last Man Standing

My dad mentioned this show called Last Man Standing when he visited during my birthday. I had heard of it but never made the time to watch it... I didn't really yearn to sit through yet another show.  I already have so many. But my dad really loves this show. I can always tell by how detailed he will get and how much he's smiling while describing everything. 

It has Tim Allen as the main guy who is the macho sports loving hunting obsessive man's man... Like the guy from the old spice commercial (the real one not the robot). Who just happens to have three daughters.  The oldest one is 20 and has a three year old boy, the middle one is a senior in high school and is the quintessential blonde (even though she's brunette), and the youngest (13 years old) who is a tomboy of sorts and the least girlie of the three.  

Apparently it's hilarious. So last night I watched an episode. And today I watched five.

Some people will not like this show. Mainly because they will take it too seriously. A sitcom, even one about family- any family, is not where I am going to find my philosophies on life or guide my moral compass. 
There are some great lessons and themes. But again, the show isn't for everyone. Particularly left wing feminists. And I don't mean that in a bad way at all... But they probably won't like the show. 

But in my personal opinion... It's a really funny show. And I like it overall. :) 

Anywho. It's late. I'm getting to bed. 

PS mocking jay part 1 came out tonight. Do yourself a favor and don't go see it this weekend. It will be mayhem. 

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