Wait, hear me out.
Boys are impossibly difficult to get. Every girl knows this. (Unless the guy is gay, then he is a little bit easier to understand. The reason being I think we share some brain waves.) Now caterpillars are these fuzzy crawly worm things that totally look cute but are in fact bugs. And then one day bam... they turn into these amazing butterflies. I am sure some guys may be offended that I just compared them to a caterpillar/butterfly, but here is where my logic comes from:
Boys, like caterpillars, are put on this earth for a higher purpose. To become something more. Obviously this takes some time.. and we really do not understand the whole process (unless you're some sort of bug scientist; I am referring to the caterpillars here, obviously). So all we know in the end is that one day most boys will become the men they need to be... just like most caterpillars become the beautiful butterflies. Of course there are always exceptions to every rule. And that totally sucks and kind of messes with my theory, but still. We must enjoy and appreciate the cute caterpillars as they are (because they'll eventually become beautiful butterflies.) And in the meantime I suggest that girls stop trying to 'get' guys, and just befriend them. Either the guy will come around and admit to liking you, or they'll be the ones missing out.
And I do want to note that it is 2:25 in the morning, so if that made absolutely no sense, or I offended numerous amounts of people (i.e. boys)... it is probably because of my lack of sleep. Either way as of right now, I feel pretty deep.