Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Weekender

My weekend went by way too fast. It was awesome though.
First game night: played Mafia for the first time. I was a town's folk. I was falsely accused of murder. They killed me. Good times.
Then a double birthday party: some of my closest friends, not so close friends, and people I have never met before gathered together for one fabulous party. I am pretty sure I have not had that much fun in quite a long time. Happy Birthday Cynthia and Deborah!! :)
and last (but certainly not least) the Fusion X dance competition!!! Which Cynthia and I totally made t-shirts for!!!

B. Mod stands for Barkada Modern, and they did so freaking good!!!! They didn't place, but still, Kudos for definitely being in the top 5 there, at least I think so. But I am stoked that the team whose theme was Las Vegas got THIRD!! Common Ground. They were awesome. I looooved them. So this is now a new tradition that shall be carried out for the remainder of my time here in SD. Maybe we'll make shirts and posters next year. Who knows!

Now my weekend is over and I am pretty darn sad about it. I am kind of looking forward to what the next week will bring, because I certainly do not think it will be drama free by any means... muahaha. Gotta love life.

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