Sunday, April 26, 2009

Do you know...

Do you know how to be happy when your closest friends aren't?  
Do you know how to ask someone what you did to make them upset with you?  
Do you know how to keep from crying because your life hasn't been that bad while everyone else's seems to be falling apart? 
Do you know how to try and make a sad person smile?  
Do you know how to change the past?  
Do you know how to predict the future?  
Do you know how to tell the truth when you know you'll be judged?  
Do you know how it feels to be the one who tags along?  
Do you know how to make your friends happy?  
Do you know how to make bad dreams go away?
Do you know how to say the right things?  
Do you know how to be yourself?  
Do you know what it is like to never feel like you're being yourself?  
Do you know what to do if you feel like you're losing your friends?
Do you know what the point is in making someone's day special only to have it all blow up?
Do you know what is fair?
Do you know what it is like to have said, "No one will ever understand." ?
Do you know where God was in their lives? 
Do you know where happiness and joy even come from?   
Do you know why they wanted to give up?  
Do you know why you don't?  
Do you know why we feel for people we shouldn't?  
Do you know why we don't feel for people we should?  
Do you know why it gets harder before it gets easier?  
Do you know why people are so incredibly selfish?
Do you know why people say "I don't care" when more often than not they do?

I wish I did.

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