Thursday, April 16, 2009

And then there were tears.

As my first blog post you would think I would have something extremely intellectual to say, perhaps a witty anecdote or a heart wrenching story. I have none. Instead I would like to mention how I walked into my room. (my roommate asleep with the movie Big Fish on) I sat down, watched the last ten minutes of it and was bawling like a blubbering baby. And going with the theme of the movie you'd think I was exaggerating, but I kid you not.. tears were pouring out of my eyes and my ears were beginning to hurt. Usually my ears do not hurt when crying so I just think that proves my point to how intense these tears were. I am not entirely proud that I was crying that hard over a movie, especially one that I am not a big fan of. But that ending!! like it just gets you right there, or at least it gets me right there. It makes me want to become this amazing story-teller even. Kind of like my roommate Cynthia. She seriously has a gift. I would like that gift too. Well, so much for my introductory blog. Until next time. Cheerio.

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