I have officially signed up for my classes for the Fall of '09 year. I can breathe a sigh of relief that it is over. But now all the stress from registration will slide on over to my housing situation. I honestly have no idea what I am going to do. It seems each day I get more and more worried and frustrated over the whole thing. Some how the three of us (two of my closest friends and I) are supposed to figure out how to rearrange it so there are two of us in one room and the other gets to find a different roommate. The three people rooms that we were supposed to get into were filled before one of our names were randomly chosen from a freaking bingo cage (you know, where they pull out the numbered letters i.e. N54, B12). Now we have to reconfigure our three person situation into a two and one person situation to fit into the two person sophomore dorms. I will definitely be a junior. just fyi. And i totally gave the whole living off campus thing a valiant effort but that was kind of shot down before it even got the chance to take off. So my point in all this blabble is that I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM GOING TO FUCKING DO!
On a brighter side, I love oranges. I do not know why or how I became addicted but in the last 24 hours I have eaten 6 of them. And I crave one now as I type this. I love the smell, and taste, and how they can drop on the ground but they're totally still okay because you only eat the inside!!! And I know I am not the only one that loves these little gifts of orange delight, because on the ride in california adventures called 'Soarin' over California' they spray orange smelly stuff at you!!! For almost the entire duration of the ride!! I love oranges.

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