Remember in my last blog when I mentioned a few songs I'd been listening to but couldn't post any links due to the simple fact there were no videos? Well it turns out that two days later a few videos have been posted. And so here I am again, promoting and hooraying for such occurrences as these. There are only five from their concert so far, but since I know the guy uploading them (he's my boyfriend) I know the rest are sure to follow and will eventually be placed in a loving playlist for all you soon-to-be die hard fans and/or current ones.
Carry On My Wayward Son
Don't Cry Out
Now, I can't just go posting links to songs without any type of narration or commentary. This is a blog afterall. I have a favorite, and in all honesty it's been my favorite for almost five years now... and this concert was the first time I saw it performed in tune... for the entire thing. (I know that may sound confusing... and you're probably thinking ... that makes no sense.. how could you like it if it's off key? Well here is my answer to that: one of the soloists was always off key. [turns out they just had to change this particular soloist... what a concept] The other soloist, and the main reason why the song is so bloody fabulous in the first place, always sounds beyond fantastic. and oh yeah, he's the boyfriend. One bazillion points to me.) Dun dun dun and the song is... Don't Cry Out. So, if you're in a rush and can only listen to one... there ya go. Seriously, stop reading this and just go watch it. duh. (Oh and like it at least fifty times and comment on it's wonderfulness... I know I will... I haven't yet... but I so will.)
However, Everything and Carry On My Wayward Son are also very awesome. I enjoy both songs... and am still a tad disappointed they nixed the choreography for Carry on... if you'd like to see it... go here (you will chuckle at least once, I swear). Or just peruse their YouTube page yourself! All kinds of goodies await you. And I seriously mean all kinds of goodies. It's like Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans; good luck.
As for the rest of the 2012 Concert... well, if you just can't get enough of the videos (or your patience, like mine, is next to nothing... and you don't want to wait for the rest of the uploaded concert videos) go to iTunes and buy their latest CD. Search: Pointless VI It's the cool cover with the ties. Because that's their thing... crazy ties... (and just craziness in general, but I love them for it). It's only ten bucks, and it's beyond worth it. I promise.
Okay, I think that's a pretty solid promotion blog. I linked almost fifty things... (I love hyperbole!!!) so watch at least one of them... and just enjoy. I love Pointless and am really pleased that the year I graduated they were extra wonderful. :D
I'll post a blog about Butterbeer and Hogwarts and water rides next time around. But for now, let Pointless rock your world. Toodles.
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