Thursday, December 4, 2014

Harry Potter

One of my coworkers is planning a Harry Potter party for his girlfriend's birthday. And I'm not talking about a simple 'let's wear a Gryffindor scarf and play a Harry Potter drinking game' kind of party. Not that those parties are necessarily bad... But he is planning a full on HP party.  

They're making chocolate frogs and butterbeer from scratch (thank you Pinterest for your wealth of knowledge on magical food by the way).  They ordered house banners from Amazon (only Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were available. Shocking right?  My coworker [lets call him Ron for the rest of the blog shall we?] Ron was displeased with those choices for banners because he believes them to be the lesser of the houses. Never the less... Those were the banners he got.  Oh the sacrifices we will make for our loved ones... Like compromising on Hogwarts house banners.)

Anywho, that was an extremely long inner monologue on my part. Sorry. Back to the story. So they got banners and Ron scoured the online kingdom for a complete Harry Potter scene it that wasn't going to cost him $90. (They're discontinued so finding them cheap is not simple). He found one! And at this point that is all I know of their Harry Potter festivities but to say I'm jealous would be an understatement. I mean... That is just plain awesome. It does not matter that we are all adults and have full time jobs and have to pay bills and do other boring monotonous things. Harry Potter is for all ages! I told him to take so enough pictures that he could fill three scrapbooks with.

One day I will throw an epic party like this. It could have been my wedding... But alas we went with a different kind of magical theme. I think our choice will go over better with the grandparents. 
That is all for now! Have a magical Thursday! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Last Man Standing

My dad mentioned this show called Last Man Standing when he visited during my birthday. I had heard of it but never made the time to watch it... I didn't really yearn to sit through yet another show.  I already have so many. But my dad really loves this show. I can always tell by how detailed he will get and how much he's smiling while describing everything. 

It has Tim Allen as the main guy who is the macho sports loving hunting obsessive man's man... Like the guy from the old spice commercial (the real one not the robot). Who just happens to have three daughters.  The oldest one is 20 and has a three year old boy, the middle one is a senior in high school and is the quintessential blonde (even though she's brunette), and the youngest (13 years old) who is a tomboy of sorts and the least girlie of the three.  

Apparently it's hilarious. So last night I watched an episode. And today I watched five.

Some people will not like this show. Mainly because they will take it too seriously. A sitcom, even one about family- any family, is not where I am going to find my philosophies on life or guide my moral compass. 
There are some great lessons and themes. But again, the show isn't for everyone. Particularly left wing feminists. And I don't mean that in a bad way at all... But they probably won't like the show. 

But in my personal opinion... It's a really funny show. And I like it overall. :) 

Anywho. It's late. I'm getting to bed. 

PS mocking jay part 1 came out tonight. Do yourself a favor and don't go see it this weekend. It will be mayhem. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014


There are very few books that I read and think, if this becomes a movie I can play the main character.  It just doesn't happen often.  First there is my body shape.  Even at my best weight ever I wasn't skinny (And that's okay).  Then my type of humor.  Of course as an actress the whole point of acting is to be able to become whomever.  But in these brief instances... my acting would be minimal and I'd be able to empathize with the character through my own memories and feelings.
Silly notions of course... these random books would never be made into movies and I'd never be able to audition for them anyway.
Well low and behold I was right about only one of those aspects.  I haven't auditioned for anything since college so no, this isn't a surprise way to tell everyone I'm going to be in a movie.  BUT the book I loved and pictured myself playing in is going to be out in theatres early 2015.
It's called The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend. The book was so good that I ended up buying the next three books the author, Kody Keplinger, wrote.  Unfortunately I was mildly let down by the lot of them because in the end the only one I really truly enjoyed was the first, The DUFF.
It's a Young Adult Fiction novel (shocking I know).  Nothing magical or mysterious.  Just a run of the mill story about a girl who has a sassy attitude and doesn't let being the DUFF define her.  It's a bit edgy comedy romance but fun overall.
I am indeed excited that I get to see this book on film.  I'm just sad I never got the chance to wow the casting directors with my uber awesome talent.  Lost opportunity for the world I guess.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

200th Blog Post!

And what shall my 200th blog post be about?  

How I wish I could write about certain things on here but I can't? 
Not because I'd be vulgar or crass.  Nor because the topic would be frowned upon by the general public.  Mainly I can't write about certain things because people gossip and/or assume I'm writing about them.  Which is probably most likely the case but still.  Using this as a venting post for anything other than generalities would probably cause mayhem and bitterness.  So alas, no venting shall I do. 

Maybe it could be about how I need to lose weight?
Then again, I feel like every other post is about such a topic and honestly we all know I need to get over myself and just do it already.  Point taken.

How about ... OH! I know.  How about the latest two CD's I bought?  

1989 by Taylor Swift VS V by Maroon 5.

I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on these two cd's.  For now here is mine:

1989 was and is mediocre at best.  I was totally super excited for this CD.  I actually bought it in CD form too because I usually love her stuff.  It's catchy, fun and dance worthy.  At least that's what I had been expecting.  What I ended up getting was a 1980's retro version of Hillary Duff's Metamorphosis.  There's a few songs that might get me bobbing my head a little bit... but nothing that makes me want to get up and shake it... except for the aptly named 'Shake it off'.  Overall I was entirely underwhelmed.  And that made me sad because this was the first of her CD's that I actually bought for myself and now I'm kind of regretting wasting the money.

V, however, is the exact opposite.  I've always moderately enjoyed Maroon 5.  They've had catchy songs but nothing good enough to make me buy the whole album.  So I took a chance... primarily due to the Maps song.  I'm quite pleased by my impulse buy.  I continue to love Adam Levine's voice and I am thrilled that once I've finished the CD I find myself wanting to listen to it again.  The only thing I'm semi-sad about is Adam's song from Begin Again isn't on the CD.  It's called Lost Stars and it's phenomenal.  Go look it up.  Oh wait... I can just post it on here. HAH.  Do all the work for you I do.

Alright. Well, you're welcome.  And to end my point. V is better than 1989.  In my personal opinion that is.  Disagree?  I'd love to hear why.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I love accidentally erasing all the content off my phone. #sarcasm #help

So... First and foremost I want to thank every single one of you who wished me a very happy birthday.  It was incredibly sweet of you and I am so very grateful.  I had a wonderful birthday.  I got to go to a wine & cheese tasting in Napa with my family.  That includes the soon to be family and my Mom and Dad!  They both surprised me and just showed up in my room one morning.  I had no idea.  And this is the video they took of me (enjoy.... lol):

Obviously.... I had no idea this was going to happen.  I also had no idea I react so quickly upon someone opening my bedroom door.  I was practically ninja status.

Point is I loved every minute of my birthday week.  I would have LOVED to show you more pictures of the excellent adventure but I deleted all of my pictures off of my phone. AND ALL OF MY CONTACTS.  Again.

So even though this blog is a HUGE thank you to everyone... it is also a plea to text/call me in order to give me your contact info once more.  I cannot believe I deleted everything, but I did. And it sucks.  But hopefully you will all get ahold of me and I can add you to my phone! Yay!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Parades cause traffic. Stupid awful traffic.

I heard somewhere that if you do something for like 20 days straight it turns into a habit.  I don't think it's actually 20 days... probably more like 20 months.  But at least I'm putting this blogging thing into practice more.  So only 19 months and 28 days left to make it a permanent thing! Hah. 

Speaking of habits... I have one.  Well I have many... most of which I hate.  Including the one awesome habit that plans to do certain things... like being productive... and then conveniently not doing any of those things.  I'd guess one might call it laziness.  But it's not just that... Because I always have every intention to do everything I plan on doing.  Yet somehow I don't do any of it.  Well sometimes I do a tiny little bit... I semi-blame the television.  It's like a blackhole for time wasting.  Even when the shows are awesome... it just gets ridiculous.  Netflix is evil.  Which only adds to the other point I'm going to make.

Losing weight is hard.  And when you do accomplish such a feat... keeping it off is just as difficult.  And usually... you don't even realize you're in a downward frappucino/sugarycandy/fried food spiral until it's too late.  And you're back to square one.  I'm not quite at square one, but I'm close enough to want to stab myself in the thigh.  It goes back to the whole making plans ideology.  I totally plan on eating healthy and maybe even exercising a bit.  I plan on NOT eating fast food or the popcorn (which I totally ate today) or cheesecake or whatever else exists to make me fat.  And yet for the last year my lack of commitment to losing weight or staying healthy was astronomical. And I don't know what the key is.... All I do know is I have only five months to lose weight for my wedding. And sure I don't look absolutely awful.... But I want to look a tad better than not looking absolutely awful. Haha. 
And I'm about to say, well I can just start tomorrow. But that brings me back to my whole love of planning... And zero follow through. Full circle! 

Any advice? Particularly to find that motivation? (You'd think the wedding would be motivational enough... And the wedding night but here I am chowing down on Halloween candy so obviously not :/ )... Maybe if I make a game of it? I love games! Or a competition? Ideas people! I need ideas! 

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you either dressed up in some awesome costumes or saw some cute kiddies in some awesome costumes!!! 

Until next time! ;) 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Another day... Gone awry?

Well, not completely awry. As of right now I'm actually quite content. This morning however was anything but smooth. It's that whole saying about if something can go wrong it will go wrong. That's a saying right? Because it was the epitome if my morning.

I've been subbing at a theatre that is not mine for the last two days... And yesterday went by rather peacefully overall...But today was just not happening. Imagine walking into a test that you have studied for. For example, Spanish. So here you are ready for that Spanish test and then you're given your test. And it's in Portuguese. Which would have been fine if you were studying Portuguese but the last time you checked Spanish isn't Portuguese. And not only that but your usual teacher is replaced by no one. That's right... No one is there handing out tests. They're just on a desk waiting to be filled out in a classroom that is being worked on by at least ten construction workers.   That's about as good of a metaphor as I'm going to be able to give. Point is I aced the Portuguese test, but totally wanted to rip out all my hair and punch my teacher in the face. End of rant... And ridiculous metaphor.

But the work day is over and I am free! Free to sit on my bum and watch tv!!! Lazy days every day! Actually I am going to do some laundry and empty out a box! Yes you read correctly, I still am unpacking from the move I made at the beginning of September. That's how I roll.

And you know what I'm excited for? Halloween and Christmas!!!! Thanksgiving not so much. Want to know why? Because while everyone will be thinking of the 22nd of November as Thanksgiving weekend.... I'll be manning the throngs of people for the Hunger Games opening. I am the opposite of excited because unlike Harry Potter fanatics for Harry Potter premiers they're not Harry Potter fanatics and it's not a Harry Potter movie.  Which makes them much less worth my patience.  Whatever. Yay doom and gloom and an awful ending to a moderately interesting book series. Not that I have any opinions on the matter. ;)

Alrighty. Have the happiest of hump days!!!!  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I'm totes a Disney Princess.

Obviously.  I belong.

This wedding planning has me going a tiny bit bonkers.  There's just so much to do... and so much money that I don't have to spend on things I may or may never use again!  Talk about not overwhelming what so ever.

With that said, it's a baby step kind of process.  Michael has been a ton of help and support.  Which is great since I feel like I work almost all the time.  But trying to plan a future with someone else is also a new kind of challenge.  An exciting one at least.  And to think people ask about when kid's are going to start happening.  Hah!  No.  Let's simmer down and actually have a wedding first.  Crazy sauce.

I wish I could tell you a story about my work, but I'm pretty sure that posting anything about my job on social media is frowned upon immensely.  Alas, as entertaining as this story would be I must refrain.  The point of the story though (I can share that much) is: people can be ridiculously lazy and it's just so depressingly sad.  That is all.

Oh, and who is excited for all this Marvel talk?  Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange?!?!  Not going to lie... that last one is the best news ever!  However, waiting two or three or seventy years for all of these things to occur is unfortunate.  Patience is a virtue?
Alrighty, well Halloween is coming up.  Hope everyone has a blast.  AND makes good choices ;)
