Friday, September 25, 2009

High School... again.

I am currently sitting in a classroom at my Alma Mater. Faith Lutheran jr/sr high school. and i am soooooo bored. first of all i have no internet. secondly i didnt bring anything to read or do for that matter. thirdly i am exhausted but cant take a nap because the floor is ridiculously hard. and fourthly i would like to punch some of these kids, particularly the loud obnoxious girl in the front, in the face. luckily i have my phone. though it is times like these i wish i had an iphone. hmph.
I am here because my mom substitutes and she didnt want to go alone. or more accurately put, she didnt want me to be alone at home. but either way i am here and afterwards i get to go and see Fame!!!! which by the way get this. the person my mom is substituting for (a geometry teacher) puts a cd into the computer connects it to a projector and the students are taught by a power point slide the school provided. the teacher doesnt even teach??? what the hell?? and i want to get into this line of work? the day theater is taught by a power point is the day i move to canada.
and to top it all off my throat is still killing me. it feels like a swallowed a cactus. whole. but i am home in vegas and get to chill with my mom, so all in all i am happy. and i am away from people that continue to frustrate me on a daily basis.. so actually that makes me really happy! haha. if i continue to stay bored and i fail to find anything to do.. ill probably post another blog soon.. and i have no idea what itll be about.. maybe ill give you my opinion on some political scandal. okay thats a lie.. i would never do that. lol.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That 3 hour play was...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Cyrano de Bergerac. I don't think I can quite explain how amazing it was. As I was watching it I just felt this overwhelming calm set over me. Not because it was a calm play.. oh no, definitely not calm.. but because plays like that are how I know I am supposed to be a theater major. Simply beautiful. Okay sorry.. i had to rant a little.. now back to my regular blog.

(203): a girl in my class is on a twilight fan site and running her fingers on the screen as edwards body comes up.

Awesome right? haha. Edward is not even that hot. Now Jacob on the other hand... lol. :D Anyway my weekend was fabulous. I went to six flags, and disneyland. It was pure joy. I got to hang out with some of the coolest people ever. Then school started again, and well I will be honest I have been rather emotional lately and it sucks. Emotional for no reason mind you. But I will get over it, as I always do.

For the most part I do not have a lot to talk about. So for once I shall leave this pretty short and simple. :D

PS... I am going to add a countdown widget for my 21st birthday. let's all get excited... starting now.
PPS never mind.. the countdown widget would not work.. but apparently I only have 50 more days to go.. so woo hoo.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Like a 5 pointed Star, but in blog form

(920): in spanish class. the girl next to me asked what Galapagos were. i told her they were islands. now she thinks Galapagos means islands in spanish

Stupid people never cease to amaze me.
Now I have five main points to hit on in this blog, so it might be kind of long, just forewarning you.
Point 1)
I officially welcome the weekend with this blog. Because Lord knows I need it. I have been so stressed and completely frazzled this week and I am kind of tired of it. Hence the need for the next three days. Though I will admit it has not started out like planned.

original plan:
friday..grandparents visit and then go to six flags meet up with Michael; have fun.
saturday.. theater work day and Mandy's b-day party
sunday.. watch some 3 hour french play in the evening

reformatted plan:
friday.. found out grandparents are not coming, nor is Michael (the one person i was going to hang out with because I knew no one else going) going to six flags anymore. Did all that I could to sell ticket including talking to the cool guy in the radio booth and convincing him to make an announcement on KPLR (the schools radio station), which he did, twice. But then my friend Megan took pity on me and figured out a way to get money to go with me. So now I am sleeping in, getting ready and then leaving for six flags with Megan and Aimelle.
saturday.. i wish i could skip theater work day but alas there are only 12 majors and I would feel like they would notice my absence. And then Lauren, Bryant, Megan, and I are going to DISNEYLAND where I will proceed to buy Lauren her birthday crown.
sunday.. still watching some 3 hour french play. i would tell you what it is, but i have no idea how to spell it and am too lazy to look it up at the moment.

Of course I will probably get on here at the end of the weekend to tell you how much my reformatted plan didn't go as planned. ha ha.

Point 2)
FARMVILLE anyone?!?!?! Like seriously, so addicting. It is on facebook, and I looooove it. It is pretty much a Sims farm, which is awesome because of course I like Sims, specifically the roller coaster one. And a farm is kind of like an amusement park, without the rides and a lot more plants and animals. So I suggest getting on facebook and becoming apart of this wonderful adventure.

Point 3)
I got the A Very Potter Musical soundtrack. And if you have not seen it on youtube, please, I beg of you to watch it now. And if you have already seen it, go watch it again.
Also check out College Musical. That is pretty amazing too, even if it isn't about magical things. Both have swearing or sexual innuendos just for your info. :D But they're still fantastic.

Point 4)
I have never realized how much I dislike poetry. I am taking this creative writing class and we have been focusing on poetry, and I was always taught that poetry is relative. It can mean something different for each person blah blah blah. Which made me feel better considering I write fiction not poetry. But instead we get this critical book that tears down poems that I think are just fine. Thus the teacher will read a poem of mine, write a comment on it, and in my head I am like WTF??? IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABSTRACT!!!!! its a freaking poem!!! but whatever, this was our last week of poetry and i say Good Riddance.

And last but not least
Point 5)
I was talking to one of my friends who graduated last year last night. And we never exactly talked a lot while he was here, but we were definitely friends. (he was a theater major like me which obviously means he's awesome) So we started talking and all, and he mentioned my blog where I blew up at the world. Which led to other such things. But my point for bringing this conversation I had with Chris (that's his name. haha) is because he said one of the coolest things I have probably ever heard. And although a good chunk of our conversation could be turned into a self help book, I will only give you this one quote:

"i say just take a good look at your life and make sure you are really being who you want to be and doing what you wanna do cause there's less than no point in doing otherwise"
-Chris Pineda

Truer words have never been spoken. Well okay, maybe by Jesus. But personally I think what he said is truth. If you're pretending to be someone else (ie trying to satisfy others opinions) your entire life because you're afraid of what people might potentially think.. then you'll never get the chance to see what they'd think of the real you. Because lets face it, people judge. And I think I am getting to the point I would rather be judged for who I am then who I am pretending to be.
Just a little something to think about. :D

End of points!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dear Procrastination,

(404): i hope kanye doesn't show up to patrick swayze's funeral. " i'll let you get back to your funeral in a minute...but michael jackson had the best death of the year. just sayinnn ".

So I did not see the VMA's last night, but I did get online afterwards to see the highlights.
#1 new moon trailer: OMG seriously? Thank God for redemption, because twilight was not very good, but I have incredibly high hopes for this one. Plus Jacob is amazing. period. I would like to have his babies. and yes I know he is a fictional character, I was just saying.
#2 Kanye West vs Taylor Swift: as my TFLN quote implies... Kanye is a dick.

That's all I really paid attention to. Because I was kind of too captivated by the trailer to notice anything else. I know, I just admitted that, but what can I say? I am stoked. And onto a completely different topic...

HW that i ignored all weekend has come back to bite me in the butt. stupid stupid me. At least I get to go to six flags this Friday. And maybe disneyland? but that is still up in the air. Plus yet another birthday dinner. I swear it is a theme for this year. But on the bright side I got to write a little for my story that I have neglected for the past month, so at the very least I am happy about that. Yayness.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Labor Day

(812): McDonalds has hash browns for only a quarter! many u want?
(1-812): All of them

This morning I had to wake up early (and by early I mean 850, but for a holiday that is definitely early) because my roommate needed my expertise (and by expertise I mean I had a key) in getting into a building so she could record this guy play his music.  Cynthia has this radio show where she records herself interviewing some unknown musical talent and broadcasts it on Wednesdays 8pm on KPLR: The Tide (you should listen sometime).  So back to the story... we get inside the building and I listen to this guy play his four songs, and the entire time I wanted to fall asleep but couldn't because he was actually pretty good.  His voice sounded like Jamie Cullum.  And that was when I realized I haven't listened to Jamie Cullum in forever and a day.  So after they finished, I came back to my room and fell asleep listening to Jamie Cullum.

And then I woke up at 2:30.  Don't judge me, I like sleeping.  That and I totally have an iron deficiency so it's not completely my fault.  Cynthia and I then went to the kitchen to make breakfast/lunch/dinner.  Where we find this long line of ants traveling up the wall, across the ceiling, down the cupboard, over the counter top, and back up into the another cupboard.  It was kind of gross/creepy/disturbing.  All that said, we cooked our food, ate our food, and left.  

I listened to Jamie Cullum on my way to Borders.  Where I preceded to get lost.  I get lost in San Diego more then any other place in the world.  It's ridiculous.  I don't understand why I find it so confusing.  But I finally found Borders, and then spent two hours there.  I bought three books, one of which holds the One Act I will be directing for my directing class.  I just don't know which one yet.

I came home and cleaned (and by clean I mean sweep and swiffer the floor) my room.  And finally am listening to Jamie Cullum again.  I don't know why I think he's so amazing.  But he is.  Definitely. 

The rest of my weekend was pleasant.  I celebrated a birthday at Disneyland; I did not go to the beach like I planned; I ate coconut and strawberry jello; I did my laundry; I had a relaxing weekend.  It was very pleasant.  and then tomorrow comes and I am shoved back into reality.  sad day.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my apology

First things first: If I offended anyone in my blog where I kind of blew up at the world (two blogs previous), I am sorry.  Whether it was because of the language I used (which has now been edited out) or because you attend point loma yourself and actually adore it (of course there could be other reasons too).  I just want to apologize.  

I want Monday to be like water under a bridge, long gone and never thought about again.  Except maybe in a case where I get rejected again, so that way I keep my temper next time.  And I don't hate point loma, I just want to punch it in the face sometimes.  Okay, a lot of times.  But the only thing I have control of is my own thoughts and actions.  Thus I am going to be just fine.  I will pick myself up and keep trying out.  Of course next time I won't spend all summer listening to the soundtrack of a musical I am trying out for.. not that it is a bad musical, but it just makes it harder to not be resentful now when I hear the songs.  Which makes me sad, because I liked those songs.  

And on a completely different subject I would just like to point out that my mom is the coolest and best mom in the entire universe.  And while we're on the subject of family, don't take them for granted.  Those Grandparents that annoy you about your grades or maybe your weight or your friends etc. will not be around forever.  Appreciate and love them while you can.  I don't want to ever regret not making time for them or any other family member.  So email them, or maybe give them a call, because you have no idea what the future has in store.  (and that goes for friends too!)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Taking deep breaths

(248): do you know mcdonalds refuses to give out large cups of water now? you have to buy a bottle or they give you a small cup. No exceptions.
(1-248): RUDE.
(248): I said FINE, then I'd like 7 small waters and 2 of those nifty carrying cases to carry about my h2o.
(1-248): outsmarted mickey deeeees

Okay so I will admit I kind of lost my temper last night. Not that I didn't mean most of it. I sure as hell am not happy here or anything. But certain people make it worth while. And the whole London thing looks like it might work out. So a tiny bit less angry today. Still angry though. and frustrated. But whatever, I just need to get over it. Be an adult about it. Obviously it isn't going to be as good without me. and I can guarantee that, I would have been fantastic. So their loss. Not mine. And now I get to be an assistant to the stage manager for Waiting for Godot. Which will get me practicum hours which is what I need to go to London. So maybe it was God's way of saying focus on school so you can go to London you twit. Because thinking I suck is so not fun. But i can still be angry. which I am. But at least I can focus on London. Maybe watch some Harry Potter to get me ready. :D

And because of London I am going to be directing my own One Act this year. And I will admit I am excited for such experience considering I don't get any other kind. coughactingcough. So I have to find my one act. Borders here I come. Actually Barnes and Noble is closer... but you know what I mean. AND there is a new book out that I want to read. Blood Promise. Fourth book in one of the series I am hooked on. I think that will help my mood. Unless of course she kills the main guy, I dont think that would help my mood much. We shall see.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a good future.