Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That 3 hour play was...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Cyrano de Bergerac. I don't think I can quite explain how amazing it was. As I was watching it I just felt this overwhelming calm set over me. Not because it was a calm play.. oh no, definitely not calm.. but because plays like that are how I know I am supposed to be a theater major. Simply beautiful. Okay sorry.. i had to rant a little.. now back to my regular blog.

(203): a girl in my class is on a twilight fan site and running her fingers on the screen as edwards body comes up.

Awesome right? haha. Edward is not even that hot. Now Jacob on the other hand... lol. :D Anyway my weekend was fabulous. I went to six flags, and disneyland. It was pure joy. I got to hang out with some of the coolest people ever. Then school started again, and well I will be honest I have been rather emotional lately and it sucks. Emotional for no reason mind you. But I will get over it, as I always do.

For the most part I do not have a lot to talk about. So for once I shall leave this pretty short and simple. :D

PS... I am going to add a countdown widget for my 21st birthday. let's all get excited... starting now.
PPS never mind.. the countdown widget would not work.. but apparently I only have 50 more days to go.. so woo hoo.

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