Happpppy happy joy joy. I don't know if it's because it is the start of a new week, or I had an awesome conversation last night, or because I feel pretty today, or just because of no reason whatsoever but I am in a wonderfully good mood!!!
I'm even at work right now (well, on my break at work...) and I'm practically skipping around the kids section doing my projects and helping customers as happy as a kid stuck in a candy store.
It's euphoric really.
But I am working with a new guy... Well he's not new new ... He's a transfer. But today is the first time I get to work with him. He has a British type accent. And usually I could listen to a British guy talk for hours about absolutely anything ... Including the migratory patterns of carp... But this guy ... Not so much. Maybe it's because when he calls me over the loud speaker it sounds like I'm a maid in his castle being summoned to clean up cat vomit or something... I blame my imagination. He might be a fine guy... Who knows... But my imagination has already decided that he is pretentious. Who am I to argue with my imagination on such matters?
I get to spend the evening with my best friend Lauren after I go swimming at the gym! I'm super excited for this as well. Let me explain a few things about Lauren. She's married which means I have to share her with her husband... And luckily he's a pretty swell guy and I like him Alot. But what I love about her is that we can talk about simply anything. (don't get me wrong I have other great friends I can also talk to and so on, but half the time I don't even have to explain why I've said something and she gets it) And! She has stuck with me through thick and thin. And I just want her to know... And all of blogging kingdom to know... That I am incredibly grateful for her and her friendship. She keeps me sane most of the time... Especially on days where I just want to stab the world in the jugular. So I think everyone should be a tad thankful for her too, or more than a tad... Your choice Lol.
And since I'm on the subject of great awesome people... I'd also like to say how thankful I am for Michael (the boyfriend... In case you forgot or something). He's great. And I know I can be a bit much to handle... But he does wonderfully and I don't think I've smiled this often in years. I also miss him terribly because he's currently 8 hours away from me and I kind of just want to hug him all the time as well as hold his hand and hang out at Denny's with Alyssa or just get coffee (well he gets coffee I get tea). But alas neither of us have the power to teleport so I have to wait until August. Patience is a virtue. One I get to really enjoy. But my point is I am happy. And he's been a huge part of that. And I wanted everyone to know.
Well poop. I have to get back to working! Skipping and singing and not hitting the new guy with a heavy book... ;) Hope your day is going at least half as swimmingly as mine. Until next time!!!!
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