(423): so no drinking for you?
(615): don't be silly
Not that TFLN is the example I will live my life by when I turn 21 in fourteen days, but it sure is chuckle worthy. Actually I wont be able to drink at all because I go to Point Loma, and there is a strict no drinking policy stated in the covenant I signed Freshman year. So if you see someone who looks like me drinking.. you need to get your eyes checked.. because it obviously can't be me. That would be stupid. Just thought I'd explain that.
Wow, I feel incredibly ridiculous starting my blog off about alcohol. I think it was the only thing I wasn't going to get all emotional about.. which lets face it, I was just putting off until now. But to start off on a good note, Waiting for Godot went off without a hitch tonight. It was bloody fantastic. The equivalent to any really good show you may have seen in the past.. hands down. It made me wish I was more then just the crash box girl. But I guess at least I am involved.. took me long enough, seriously. Speaking of getting involved, I know I have already mentioned the Fantasticks auditions Monday, but I am getting increasingly more nervous. I should in fact probably be memorizing my monologue instead of writing this.. but all in due course.. or is it time? Either way I will get to it eventually. I practiced my try-out song today at voice lessons, and I then listened to the recording and decided I dislike how I sound. lol. But apparently that's normal so I have concluded not to worry about it.
This weekend is Halloween!!! I feel like I should be more excited.. but I am not.. probably because I am going to not eat candy. And by not eat candy I mean limit my intake, because lets face it I am addicted to sweets. But (and as I am rereading this for spelling and grammatical errors I have no idea how I leaped from the topic of having a candy addiction to losing weight.. seems contradictory.. but yet not very surprising) I have figured that since salads weren't helping my whole 'losing weight' plan, I shall move onto soup. And only broth type soups, even though I extremely dislike broth type soups, because cream is not that healthy for one such as myself. (and here I connect the two topics! I am a genius!) Then again neither are sweets. darn it! Okay.. I am reluctantly stating here and now that I am not allowed any more sweets until my birthday. that is two weeks. I can do it! and I shall cry loudly in protest when anyone offers me a piece of candy.
One more thing before I end this rather not as emotionally driven as I thought it was going to be blog. I love music. :D It takes awhile but no matter what hopelessly depressed or angry mood I am in, it helps.. Nothing else on earth like it. It is like candy for your ears.. but totally healthy!!! haha. I just had to tie in food one more time. And for the finishing touch:
If music be the food of love, play on. - the man, William Shakespeare.