Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pillow Perfect

(608): Well, for starters you dressed up in all Green and kept singing that song from "A Goofy Movie". Then you made us call you Powerline for the rest of the night...needless to say no, you didn't hook up with her

I love that movie. In fact I think I shall listen to the soundtrack as I type this (yes, I own the soundtrack; this should not surprise any of you). ::open itunes and find music:: Yep, this is definitely my jam. Good thing I have no intentions of hooking up with anyone because apparently I would fail. :D

So I said I would put some pictures up here once I finished my pillow from sewing class. Guess what? I finished my pillow! hah. I would also like to mention that I got an A+ on it. I think it is the first A+ I have gotten since I started College. haha... Anyway here it is :)

Sure it is not your normal color scheme, but I like it. You should see the hand stitching I did.. Geesh that took forever. Tell me what you think? Should I start making pillow cases for a living? Just kidding. Obviously.

On to more pressing matters. I still do not know if I am going to London. I just want to know if I get to go or not. That way this growing anxiety could turn into anticipation (if I can go) or acceptance (if I can't go). But I promise I won't bring up the topic again until I find out okay? And speaking of theater, I offered Ronda (the director for the winter musical) to be her Stage Manager. If, of course, I do not get in the musical.. which let's face reality here.. If I can't make a student directed musical the chance I'll make Ronda's is slim to none. But like a good theater major I am trying out. But you all can refer me back to this blog when I get my hopes up and think I'll make it.

I should get going now; I have a tennis midterm I need to study for. And a musical program to make, because even though I wasn't cast in I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change I still have to promote it and help with it, because that is what you get when you are one of the board members. Oh and like 4 stories to write for creative fiction... joy.

But only 35 more days until I turn TWENTY-ONE. so ultimately, I am very happy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And just wouldn't have to be doing that if I was still there. sorry.

And I hope you haven't given up hope in finding someone...

Looking forward to seeing you in Disneyland! Which, by the way, I need to get my ticket for still.