Thursday, October 1, 2009

oh If I were a wizard

(630): if I was a wizard from waverly place we wouldn't be having these problems

Back to school for three days now and I am bored. Completely bored. School isn't boring exactly. I like my classes for the most part. In fact I love my sewing class. I just finished making a pillow. When I get it back from being graded I am totally taking pictures of it and placing it on here to show the world... or more particularly you, the reader. :) I think it is kind of pretty, but I will let you be the judge.

I am going to be all alone in my room this weekend. come visit me? Even if you live off in never never land you should figure out a way to visit. Or maybe I could go to DisneyLand. And then you wouldn't have to visit because I would be in the happiest place on earth. Then again I have no money. sad day.

I saw Fame and Surrogates. Fame was amazing. Surrogates was interesting. I am going to get the Fame soundtrack from my RA... not going to lie, that makes me happy.

I am beginning to realize how much I have nothing to talk about... why is that?? Oh right, it is because I am BORED. >.<>

Considering this blog was practically pointless I shall reward you for making through it. This is a bored baby. And I think he is very cute. If I looked this cute being bored I think a lot more people would entertain me. That said... I want his hat.

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