Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 65: i LOVE breakfast

Song of the day: One of Us redone by none other than.. you guessed it.. Glee!!! I havent seen the latest episode yet, and my guess is that it is going to be highly sacrilegious but I still like this song! its been in my head all day.
So we saw Warhorse tonight. A play all about a horse during WWI and his owner. Um I cried. Not like a baby thankfully, but close enough to it. It was amazing.. and like i said yesterday.. it is going to be turned into a movie. I'm excited to see what Spielberg does with it.
I put some photos up on facebook if youd like to occupy any free time perusing them. Only 55 out of 450 so dont worry there is alot more where those few came from. In fact there were supposed to be 69 but of course facebook decided to be a toilet and therefore it didn't all work. But anyway I am off to bed because I am of course exhausted. When am i Not??? I really should start taking my iron pills again.. maybe thatll help aye??
Ps I love breakfast here at the highbury center. Im craving it so badly right now its ridiculous. Until neXt time. :D oh and sorry so short.

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