Song of the Day: Dynamite... but not by Taio Cruz.. well okay he was the original.. but there is this guy named Mike Tompkins on Youtube.. and well.. he wins.. and he's so pretty. and just to prove it to you.. here is the link.. GO TO IT!!! At least I think i added the link.. I dont really know if it worked.. if not.. go to youtube.. type in Dynamite Mike Tompkins and Wa-lah youre there. yay.
And yes.. i know I've missed two days worth of blogging.. but ever since the ten day excursion around England I just haven't had the discipline to do so.. that and internet is all the way in the basement.. and here I am sitting all by myself at 2 am .. where I could be up in bed.. warm.. and alone.. but warm.. and safe.. theres a lock on my door. there is not a lock on the library door. Just saying. But anyway.. I've been up doing homework for once.. so I've actually been pretty productive tonight.. unlike today.. where I spent over 5 hours shopping.. and guess what I ended up buying nothing.. (well i got some shampoo and face wash.. but i wanted pants.. i need pants.. but alas I bought no pants because there were no pants that looked remotely worth buying) and to top it all off.. I fought off hordes of people today for nothing. Seriously.. it was worse than black friday. I don't know how people do it here.. how they shop? like I cant even explain how much I dont ever want to do that again. so yeah.. a big waste of my Saturday.. it upsets me so much. I could have been doing so much more.. but whatever.
So.. on a more positive note.. I saw the movie RED.. with bruce willis and all those wonderfully older actors.. well I LOVED it. like literally.. LOVED it. thought it was action packed.. but also hilarious.. and incredibly witty.. and just LOVED it. you should go see it. seriously. the end.
Okay.. so literally one more day until Scenefest.. and who isnt even close to being done with their production book???? yes. me. surprise surprise right? But i swear ive been working on it.. and i have made a small ish dent.. but im just frustrated because tomorrow is my day to be back up for worship at church.. and thatll take a good chunk out of my time to study and do work.. but oh well.. ill make the best of it and at least I get to sing.. i havent sung in front of people for an awfully long time. I'll let you know how it all goes. Well Im off to bed.. or to work on my homework.. its slightly debatable. lots of love and until next time. :D
1 comment:
Wasn't RED wonderful!!!!! I agree, it was action and yet funny. LOVED IT :) Got your pants today!! They will be here for you when you get home. Can you make it for 5 more weeks? Anyway, Love you much. So Proud of you too :)
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