Song of the Day: Toxic redone by Glee. Because of course I bought the music because I am addicted. And although this is a more acoustic version I kind of love it.
Oh yeah.. Hi. I'm back!!! Got back yesterday to be more specific, but I was still on vacation so I did not blog. In fact I did nothing but read a book.. something I kind of did over the last week alot. I finished seven books in the course of 10 days. Who rocks? I think I do. They were all good. Some better than others though. And now that I have no more books to read I have to dive back into school.. something I'm really not that excited about. at all. Maybe I'll take up writing again.. Lord knows I havent written a thing in over a month. I really miss it but for some reason can't get my thoughts out in an orderly fashion. it sucks. But at the very least I have to get caught up on my journal because I am over 5 days behind.. and most likely I'll have to turn in mine on Monday.. so guess who has to get caught up in one day?? MEEEE. My hand is so going to hate me by the end of tomorrow.
So I guess you may want to hear about my ten day excursion around England. And although like I said before I was reading all day so therefore I never uploaded pictures, I took loads of them. over 400 to be more precise. My favorite place was Stratford-Upon-Avon.. which is funny because we had already been there and I didnt think i liked it all that much but I really did. And then Liverpool was kind of just pathetic. It was dirty. and not being a huge Beatles fan I really had nothing to do there. But it was a nice reading day. We went to Chester.. which was kind of boring. and by kind of I actually mean really really was. Bath was interesting. We went on this tour and saw Stonehenge (aka Big rocks. which were way cool.. and would have been cooler if we didnt have to listen to this dumb audio guide that totally took away form the mysteriousness of the entire place.. because you know how people always say things like Aliens put it together or some other weird phenomenon happened? Well this audio guide explained verbatim how it was all done and where all the stones came from and so on. So I was just very confused.. but anyway) and then we visited these two small towns.. one named Lacock.. where a whole bunch of different movies were filmed.. including but not limited to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Totally took a picture of Slughorns house!!!! AHHHH) and then the next city was where Stardust was partly filmed.. and I took a picture down the road where Tristan ran down. It was all so amazing. and beyond Beautiful.
We also got to see three movies. Eat, Pray Love (which I didn't particularly care for. It wasn't bad but I'm certainly glad I didn't pay for it), The Town (which was SOOOO good. and I am glad Ben Affleck is finally acting again), and today we saw Made in Dagenham (a British movie about equal pay for women back in the 1960's. It was good. In between the other two I think if I had to rate them).
Okay so I know that was a very very quick over view and I didnt even mention the new place we are staying at which is the Highbury center. But I have a little over a month and a half to do all that. I have yet to unpack though.. so consider that your first introduction to my new residential living area. woo. Off to bed as per my usual. Until Next Time!! :D
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