Friday, July 12, 2013

Still alive!

It was brought to my attention that I haven't updated this in almost three months.... My bad... This is kind of how my diary days were. I'd swear I'd write every day... Then I would forget to write... And when I started up again I would spend half the time apologizing to myself for not updating and then the other half getting my diary updated.  By the end I wouldn't even want to talk about why I picked up the diary and started writing in the first place.  It was a vicious cycle I tell you. And it doesnt look like I've changed much.  Except now I blog.  So I am very sorry for neglecting to update everyone about my oh-so-interesting life. That was the apology, in a way, and here comes a very brief catch up with my life:

Michael graduated PLNU! Yay!!!!
Went to Cancun!!!! Yay!
Brother turned 21!! Yay!!!!
Moved into a new place!!! Yay!!
Still work at Bookstar! Yay? 

I've been trying to lose weight... And I wish I could update you with some dramatic decrease but unfortunately that won't be happening. It's a super slow process and I'm kind of annoyed with my body at this point... But Michael has been working out with me and he's doing great!!! So yay for the awesome boyfriend! That's not sarcasm. I'm super proud!
I'm mildly working on writing. Mildly. I wish I would write more. Like story wise I mean.  I've been awful in that aspect of writing too. I don't know what's wrong with me!!! Wahhhhh!!!! Okay... Dialing back the dramatics.
There's not much more to update you on... Besides that the movie Epic was anything but, and you should go see Monsters University. You're welcome in advance. ;)

Okay guys... Peace out.
Maybe I'll write more. 
Probably not.
But maybe!!!!! Yay!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer Movies. Part 1. Dun dun dun.

I don't know if you know... but... I love movies.  And a huge chunk of my budget this summer is for a whole lot of movies (and Michael's budget... seeing as how he pays mostly).  We haven't had this big of a movie summer since my sophomore year in High school!  Point is, there are a ton of movies out there and I want to see the majority of them!

And because I am also quite considerate of my fellow man, and woman, I am going to share with you some brief thoughts on the few I have seen thus far.  I'll make it short and simple.  Or try to at least... because lesbi-honest... (this is a movie reference... if you don't get it please don't get offended. simply watch Pitch Perfect) I have a difficult time doing such things.  Alright. let us begin.

Iron Man- Pretty good.  Better than the second one that's for sure.  Made me want to watch Avengers again... which I don't think was really the point... but that's okay. "Puny God"

Go see it if you're bored. Or if you love Tony Stark aka Robert Downing Jr. 

Star Trek- Beyond fantastic. BEYOND!!!!! Want to see it again. Sherlock plays one Epic bad guy. (Notice how I use the word 'Epic' properly in the previous sentence... Notice how the the following movie did not)

Go see it this instant...
Why are you still reading this? 
Go now. 

Epic- Epic Fail. Epically terrible. Epic-less. The Opposite of Epic. --- those were just a few options for what this movie should have been titled. (I recently discovered that Dreamworks was NOT the company that produced this film... Which brightened my mood considerably because I was very disappointed that the same company that put out 'epic' movies like Shrek, Dispicable Me, and Ice Age would create such a craptastic pile of crap and title it Epic. So yay on that front, boo to everything else about this movie) 

Just don't.

Now You See Me- Went in not expecting much.  Got a few good laughs and some pretty awesome magic tricks.  Pretty enjoyable.

If you're bored, go ahead. Or if you just want to get out of the house. Still, go ahead. 

Man of Steel- In spite of what the critics are saying I quite liked this movie.  And I love Superman.  Why do people have to hate on him so much? Rude.  I hope they make more.

Take the time to go see this one... particularly because I want to hear other peoples thoughts....

Movies that are in theatres or will be coming out shortly that I really want to see:
The Internship
This Is The End
Monsters University
The Heat

And just think... Those are just the movies that are coming out in June.  Don't even get me started about July and August.


Feel free to argue with me or agree with me on any of my brief comments. ;)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

a, b, c... placeholder

a) I had an absolutely awesome one-year anniversary with Michael yesterday.  There are not enough adverbs and adjectives to effectively describe my time spent with him.  
b) He's my favorite.  I adore his personality.  His quirks.  His creativity.  His uniqueness.  His kisses.  His love for helping others.  His addiction to chocolate and coffee.  His family.  His desire to improve things.  His ability to see potential.  His thoughts.  His venting sessions.  His hugs.  His sarcasm.  His voice.  To put it simply... I just adore all of him.  
c) I really need to work on using my words... I'm a college graduate with a decent vocabulary.  I need to be able to say what I'm thinking without second guessing/over analyzing/fearing/or just anything-ing. I can write just fine.  But I need to say what I'm thinking and feeling.  I'm only making it harder on myself by not doing so.  
d) This is incredibly random but the UT (Union Tribune) has a horoscope section.  And I used to read it just for fun because randomly they'd say things that would just make me smile or laugh.  It was like reading random inspirational quotes.  But about three months or so ago they changed horoscope writers.  And I am not a fan of this new person.  Not. A. Fan. In. The. Slightest.  I kept reading them in hopes they'd get better... but they're just awful.  Maybe it's how horoscopes are supposed to be which may be why I don't like them.  I mean... this person 'stars' my day.  Like if it's going to be a three star day, or five star day.  I mean excuse you.  I can have a five star day every day thank you very much.  So yeah.  It bums me out that they're boring and awful now.
e) This blog isn't really the blog I was going to write... hence why it's titled 'placeholder'  In fact I already started another one... it's about how I told Michael I liked him.  I'm writing a small story and everything.  But it's taking longer than I planned and I needed to say before I went to bed that I am beyond blessed to have Michael as both my Best Friend and my Boyfriend.  I thank God for him on a daily basis.  That's for sure.
f) I'll try and get that next blog out soon.  Just for fun at the very least.  Maybe.  It would fall under the 'creative non-fiction' category.  I took a class on it at PLNU even.  So you know it'll be great.  (haha. you don't know that at all.  But I hope it'll be enjoyable)  
g) Have a great day! :D Lots of love. 
h) and here are two pictures for you to enjoy.  The first is during our first semester at PLNU in the fall of 2007-we met in Chorale!  and the second is our most recent picture together back in March 2013, when we were celebrating Michael's birthday.  Just thought you'd get a kick out them.  I love them both.  With all my heart.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pointlessly Obsessed.

Yesterday, April 11, 2013, was the 10th anniversary 3D extravaganza bombdiggity aca-rrific Pointless concert.  That wasn't the official title... but it obviously should have been.  And if you missed it... shame on you, because it was phenomenal.  I am so proud of every single one of those guys it's slightly ridiculous.  But only slightly.  They seriously deserved much more than the 'congrats' hug with an added, 'good job' back pat that they received from me.  I, of course, took pictures and video... because that's who I am.  Like this one for instance:

Artsy right?  It was during Rolling in the Deep.  Who doesn't like a good silhouette shot?  Because I know I do.  You can kind of tell who is who too.  Or maybe that's just me.... I'd say it's awkward... but nah.  I passed awkward a looooong time ago.  Like when I purchased a Pointless necklace, tie, button, and magnets (you may purchase one yourself by clicking on this link -> Awesome Pointless Goodies for the Adoring Fan).  And you thought I was joking about being obsessed.  You fool you.

I shall give you two videos, because a) I'm incredibly nice and b) they deserve as much publicity as possible.  So first, here is Beautiful Things.  It's a worship song... so it's both hauntingly beautiful as well as spiritually uplifting.  Soloist: Michael Hartshorn, my Michael.  The one I yammer on about on here from time to time.  The awesome one?  Still don't remember??? .... kidding.  I know you do.  And as always I am so super duper proud of him, not to mention his voice is just... Wow.  He knows this already though... so it's less to boost his ego and more to boost mine.  Cause he's my boyfriend.  I win.

(and just in case the video doesn't work... click here -> Because I'm about to Punch Blogger in the face)
And  the second video is the timeless Footloose.  Soloist: Grant Kay.  But this one is even more special due to the fact it includes a whole hell of a lot of Pointless alumni.  So where there are usually only 13 guys on stage we have over 20.  And I just think it is an incredibly fun song that I always love.  I mean the guys dance wildly, throw their shoes at the audience... and each other, shake their hips... some really really well mind you... rawr, AND sound great doing it.  So yeah, you're welcome for this:

(Same deal... if video doesn't work... click here -> Because seriously... it's 4am and I don't have time for this anymore)
There you have it.  I have numerous other videos that I took with a camera that I haven't downloaded yet, but if you want those just email me.  Or I could put them on YouTube I guess.  I have never uploaded a video to YouTube in my life... oh wait... I just did because Blogger refused to cooperate with my video uploading needs.  So what a fun first for me that was.  The photos aren't the greatest but I might upload those later too.  Seeing as it's past 4am and I have work in a few hours I won't be attempting such a thing tonight.
The one sad thing about tonight is that I got absolutely zero pictures with any of the Pointless guys.  ANY of them.  I looked rather nice too.  It's a bummer to be sure... and I'm just going to stop thinking about it.  At least I got great videos!
So again, Congratulations to Pointless on their epic concert!!!!  Loved every minute of it.
Even though I didn't win the raffle.
It's okay.
I own enough Pointless things.
I guess.

PS Uploading videos to this blog was a pain in my *insert random body part here* joke, it took me over an hour to get it to work and even then I know they aren't the best quality... and are quite fuzzy... but something is better than nothing.  ^_^

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

6 lbs... Rude.

I made it down the mountain!
And you should be impressed by this because.... this is what it looked like the whole way down:
That is fog ladies and gentleman, at 10 am.  Told you that you should be impressed.  I didn't die.  Nor did I kill anyone.  Mission accomplished! Insert Mission Impossible theme music here.  You'll have to imagine it because I don't know how to include sound in my blogs just yet.
So anyway, I made it back to SD.  And with a speeding ticket to show for it!  Yep, you read correctly.  I got a speeding ticket!  And you want to know the very best part??  I wasn't speeding!!!!  At least not at the speed he accused me of.  He made this big deal that I had 'Nevada' license plates and I overheard him teaching his fellow cop guy (they had been on motorcycles) what to look for and blah blah blah.  So ultimately I was a training session.  He was a douche nugget.  And I am totally contesting it.  The end.  This is how I feel when I think about it:
Change of subject.  I've gained roughly 6 lbs since the last time I weighed myself... which was like four months ago... so a pound and a quarter per month isn't oh.em.gee awful.  But It's still pretty awful. And it's supremely difficult when no matter what or how I feel I want to eat.  For instance:
I am happy, I want some chocolate to celebrate my happiness.
I am sad, I want some chocolate because chocolate will make everything better.
I am angry, I want to punch someone in the face and then eat chocolate.
You can replace chocolate with other food too.  I eat it all pretty much.  This is me:
and this:
Maybe not as messy.  But you get the point.  I love to eat.  So now I'm making the very difficult decision to start eating better and exercising (again).  I say 'difficult' not because it isn't the right thing to do.  I know being healthy is definitely the correct choice.  It's difficult because as I said above... I eat my feelings.  And I'm a very 'feeling' kind of person.  So instead of eating when I feel happy, sad, angry, etc. I have to find something new to set my mind on.  Going to the gym will help, reading/writing might help.  I know of one particular thing that would help keep my mind off of food... and satisfy those pesky feelings at the same time!  Two birds with one stone kind of thing.  BUT that wont start happening so I'll focus on working out.  ;)  I'm rarely vague nowadays... sooooo... you'll live.  Besides I gave you epic .gifs today.  You should be thrilled.  Okay... maybe not thrilled... you are reading my blog after all.  But mildly entertained at least?
Alrighty, whelp, I shall head to bed now.  I guess.  Thanks for reading and have an awesome Humpday.  That stands for Wednesday everyone.  Just in case your head is in the gutter and you begin to think you should go around humping people.  Don't.  It's just the middle of the week.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hop, skip, and a boat ride away.

This one shall be short, because I am le tired and I have to drive down a mountain on a street that almost looks exactly like this:
Maybe not exactly.  But I need enough sleep so I don't do something like this:
Pictures can be so helpful.
But let me wrap this up quickly.  I want to share two quick things with you.  Maybe three.  I'm undecided as of this moment.  Wait... now maybe four things because I just remembered one.  okayyyyy, I'll at least start. so first: I CAN DRINK STARBUCKS AGAIN!!!! I gave it up for Lent, and now that Jesus has risen I am able to partake in the delicious concoctions that Starbucks provides.  I even got a gift card in my Easter basket.  Guess what's happening later todayyyy!!!!

Secondly... I have a little story.
This morning was a bit rough for me due to the simple fact I had no idea what time we were to be ready to go to church in the morning.  The night before people had been discussing it but nothing was ever really finalized.  So I went to bed under the assumption I would be woken up an hour before we were to leave.  Don't ask why I assumed such a thing... I thought I talked it over with one of the more adult adults (as in my parents or aunt).  Point is... Even though I set alarms and hit snooze about 8 times I still woke up with only thirty minutes to get ready for church.  Easter church service.  Which means I can't just throw on a pair of jeans and call it a day.  No no.  Easter Sunday is like dress up in pretty spring outfit and be awesome day.  So to sum it up nicely, I was slightly stressed because in the end everyone was waiting on me.  So we get to the small church located here on the mountain, and I'm still not in the best of moods because again, I caused us to run behind and that's lame.  But it's Easter so I just have to get over myself.  So I'm following my mom through the parking lot over to the Church building thing (it's not an actual church building.  More of a fellowship hall type thing).  There is a ton of fun happening outside around the entrance.  There's children playing on the playground to the right.  Adults laughing, talking, and eating the free breakfast food all over the place.  It's obviously lively and I can't help but feel a little better already. As I'm taking this all in I'm still following my mother into the worship hall.  One of the two ushers hands me a bulletin and says Happy Easter.  In which I reply, in my most festive and happy tone, "HAPPY EASTER!"  
You probably know exactly how loud I can be when I get over zealous with wishing someone a happy day, whether it be Birthdays, Christmas, and apparently Easter too.  So imagine that if you will, for a second... now you may continue with the story.
The moment I extended my very happy Easter greeting my mom whips around and Shhh's me like I'd just interrupted Jesus himself.  In which case I give her this look and go, "What?!?"  Still in a normal voice mind you.  And she whispers as quickly and fervently as possible, "They have already started!" Which is when I look up, actually take in my surroundings, like the bowed heads and dimmed lights, and realize Church has indeed already started.  Two women to my left are bent over they're laughing so hard, and I think a few older people turned around to give me a few glares.  I left to find a restroom after that.

Thirdly.  We played some family games today!  They were super fun and got pretty hilarious, and I had absolutely zero need for water balloons.  Which is good, because it was actually quite cold today.  So yes, Family Game Day was a success!  Whoo-hoo.

Finally, Michael is taking the GMAT today, and I just wanted to wish him the best of luck!  You can do it!!! Kick that test's overly priced butt!  I'm so proud of you, yay!  And I hope you leave the test looking something like this:

Because it was just that easy.  :D

Alright.  I'm finally off to bed.  Thanks for reading!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Game Night.... Not.

Three. Count em.  One, Two, Three days in a row.
To quote one Ron Stoppable, "Boo-yah!"

I am up in the Mountains with my family currently.
Like, we're staying in a cabin. In the woods. There are other houses around us so it's not super creepy, but it's still pretty isolated.  But the cabin/house thing is huge.  And has awesome furnishings.  I posted a picture of the bed I'm sleeping in on twitter last night.  Mega-awesome.
We're up here, all eleven of us, because we're celebrating my mom's and grandma's birthday as well as Easter.  Which is today.
pause thought.
HAPPY EASTER!!!!  Jesus loves you. :) Very much.  He loves me too, which is awesome because I know I don't deserve it.  The whole grace thing blows my mind.  So yeah.  Jesus really loves you.  Just in case you needed reminding or didn't already know.  Yay!
unpause thought.
So it's a family mini vacation of sorts.  And so for the whole weekend we're just spending time together as a family.  For Grandma essentially.  However, today I got quite frustrated due to the fact our 'family time' is really just us involved with various electronic gadgets in different corners of the house.  We have ipads, computers, nooks, xbox, television, and ipods.  And then if we weren't on those we were napping or reading (the reading was really just me and Tabitha... we kind of do that alot).  We did manage to get out of the house for about three-ish hours and visit the little town about five miles away.  And even then half of us were on our phones.  It's a face palm moment everyone.
Then tonight occurred.  We eat this awesome dinner, my favorite meal actually- spaghetti with brown butter and Mizithra- it's a dish from the Spaghetti factory that my mom perfected.  My goodness it is beyond delicious.  Anyway, afterwards we have cake; people open presents.  All that jazz.  And then I'm expecting to play some games.  It's tradition after all.  There's nothing we like to do more than play some good old card games... or at least something.  But what did we all do instead?
Sat in front of the television and watched YouTube clips.  Not. Even. Joking.
All eleven of us.

I mentioned playing games.  I even chose one and said we should totally play!  And a few people nodded and then we went back to watching clips.
I wanted. to pull out. my hair.
So today is a new day.  I WILL play games with my family.  I don't care if it's just me and Grandma sitting at the table playing go-fish.  It's going to happen darn it.
That is pretty much all for now I guess.  I do want to add that both sides of my family, I'm with my dad's side currently, play board/card games together.  We enjoy it.  But I will say that my mother's side of the family .... well we would never ever ever ever have sat down in front of the TV and watched anything.  We would be duking it out over cards or some wacky game where you have to name three state capitals in five seconds or something.  And it can get a bit intense, because we have a healthy amount of competition running through our veins.  So sometimes things like this almost happen:

So as crazy as it seems.  That's what I want tomorrow.  Fun, laugh out loud, family games.  And if not I'm willing to purchase water balloons and throw 'em at everyone.
Just saying.
Thanks for reading, and again, Happy Easter!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Right? Rite? Wright!

Whoa. Wait a second.  Two blogs back to back?  One day apart?  Has the world fallen into complete chaos, disarray, and all out madness?
No. It has not.
However, I am in a better mood!  Exciting right?

Today's blog is not about my feelings though.  Well, not entirely.  Maybe a teeny bit, because everything I do, I do with feeling.  Dramatic feeling usually.  Okay, getting to the point.

This blog is about the fact I love to write.  I LOVE writing.  I have since wayyy back when.  In fact I found this notebook I wrote a story in back in third grade.  It was completely awful and I'm incredibly grateful I never let anyone read it.  But I have always had a passion for writing in spite of not always being very good at it.

I love writing so much that I am interested in pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing.  Who knows where to at this point... and really that doesn't much matter to me.  It's an option and I plan on looking into it whether it be here in San Diego or somewhere else... kind of.

Here's one of my problems:  I have never, in all my years of writing, actually finished a story.  I think I finished a few Creative Non-Fiction stories, but those don't count seeing as they're based on actual events and therefore already have an ending.  I don't have to make one up.  My fiction stories are another matter entirely.
Here's another problem: I frequently have writer's block.  One of my professors always said that, "Writer's block is a lie, a myth, something people tell themselves to make their laziness okay."  Which, granted, kind of makes sense.  HOWEVER, I do believe that when you've sat down at a computer or in front of a journal and have been able to write for hours on end without thinking of food, water, or life beyond the page, any other kind of writing just sucks.  So when I have to stare at a blank page for over twenty minutes until I can write a single solitary word I get discouraged and declare writer's block.  It kind of feels like this:

With these in mind, I must now prepare a portfolio of my writings to send in with my application to any grad school I apply to.  Remember problem numero uno?  Yeah, I don't have much to send to anyone.  This brings me to my MAIN point.  My boyfriend (Michael, in case we all forgot or thought I'd gotten a different one.  Which I guess could have happened since I never update this blog, but it definitely hasn't.  Same awesome Michael) has helped me come up with an amazing writing exercise to help combat my issue with writer's block.

The premise:
Start with seven characters, seven places, seven objectives, and seven genres.  Then use a randomizer and you get seven different story scenarios.  Some could be awesome.  Some could be beyond crap, like my most recent one (I may have chosen to name a character Barnabus.
I know. I know.  Not my best life choice.  I think Michael thinks that's the main reason I had such a tough time with this story.  I think it was the genre.  'fable'  If you do this exercise DO NOT use fable.  It is dreadful.  dee-red-full).
The catch:
You only get one week to start the story.  It should be at minimum five pages long.  Then when the week is over, you start the next one.  So after seven weeks you have seven different stories.
The part that I don't really understand quite yet/I have to sway Michael to see it my way:
I think I should then go back and work on the stories I really connected with.  As an example, my first story I came up with ended up being over ten pages long and I could have gone on but I had to start on the next story.  I think I want to go right back to that story and start really fleshing it out and working it. Because although I have the start of seven stories I have the capacity to actually finish that one.  And maybe others as the weeks progress.  So yeah, that part is still up in the air... Because I think I'm supposed to work on them for a week each again... but I don't think I necessarily want to do that.  I digress.

This all occurred due to Michael's help.  And I think he gets quite a kick out of getting on me and making sure I keep up with my work.  I'm a pretty lucky gal.  No sass, I'm serious.  I'm super lucky.

Well, ladies and gentleman.  I am off to start a new story.  Say a little prayer that this one goes a bit smoother than the last one.  Maybe I'll post a snippet of a story on here some day.  Wouldn't that be a treat? Okay.  I think I'm done now.  Have one awesome day!  And as always, thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

right. cool. ugh.

I have started to write this blog at least seven different times over the past couple of months.  And it usually always starts the same... with this quote:

"Who doesn't drink coffee? I mean it's just coffee. You have it with breakfast... or when you're sitting in a cafe pretending to write a novel. It's not a drink; it's a hug." ~Kenzi, Lost Girl. 

It's an awesome, and very true quote indeed.  And usually it would be a good opening for a light hearted up-beat kind of blog that I had every intention of writing... the last seven or so times I attempted to put this together at least.  I even planned on maybe writing the longest blog ever and color coordinate the text with certain subjects so that way you could just skip to what you actually cared/wanted to read about.  However, I decided against that for now.  Particularly because I'm just not in the mood.  

And let's be honest... I highly doubt you would open up a blog that looked like it was longer than the Great Wall of China and think, "oh boy... this should be the best thing I've ever read in my life and I'm going to read every word even when she goes on her never ending rants or is less funny than she thinks she is."  Yeah... So I'm just saving us all the trouble.  What I will share with you today is how I feel, about myself.  Truly some inspiring stuff coming up.  And it will all be in picture format.  It'll be about the most fun you've had in the last twenty minutes or so, I promise.

How I feel:

Pretty great huh?  You have to admit that Box guy is quite cute, though not why I picked it.  Well, maybe a little why I picked it.
Also. Totally not doing that 'new' thing every week for 52 weeks thing anymore.  We should all know by now how awful I am with the goals I set.  I pretty much suck at all of them.
Sorry to be a debbie downer.
Sorry to anyone named Debbie... it's a lovely name... and you're probably not a downer at all.  
I must get back to work.

PS there is a bright side to all this.  I get to see my family soon.  Get my mind off of things I have zero control over.  It should be fun.  
PPS it's my mom's birthday, so at the very least go and fill up her Facebook page with so many happy birthdays she doesn't know what to do with herself.  
PPPS HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM.  Wish I could be with you.  I know that would make me feel a ton better.  
PPPPS That first picture is a Pygmy Hippo.  Not to be confused with a regular Hippo.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New thing #1 and a (tiny) venting session.

My new thing last week was playing beer pong (though the cups were filled with water. Much less messier that way apparently) at a bar. I know it's nothing life changing but it was fun. And for once I was able to scream really loudly when I made a cup and no one minded because no one could hear me. It was kind of epic. What was also epic was that I successfully blew a ball out of a cup. That may make no sense to those of you who have never played beer pong before... But for the ladies who have you know what I'm talking about. And you know how epic it is. ;)

Now. Today I have been in a weird kind of mood. Not bad. I'm at work, of course, and it's busy. But not busy because people are actually coming in and buying books... No no, people are calling and asking me to find books. Which I'm normally fine with. Honestly. I enjoy talking on the phone. However, when I have a huge project I should be working on and instead I have to look up 6 books that someone is too lazy to look up online or come in and ask for our help personally I get a little disgruntled. Just a little. Enough that every time I answer the phone I want to say, "Thanks for being too lazy to actually visit the store. What do you want?" I don't, obviously, because I'd like to keep my job. And again, usually I don't mind. But after awhile I think it just starts to get annoying.

I just needed to vent really quickly on here. Because now I have two hours to get these projects done... And I'm slightly freaking out about it. So wish me luck!

And if I spelt anything wrong or grammatically screwed up... Forgive me..........Im on my phone. Thanks. Ciao.

Friday, January 4, 2013

52-Week Challenge

My fish doesn't like me.  I've been told beta fish are fickle like that.  Mr. Darcy seriously doesn't like me though.  Don't know why.  I gave him a castle for crying out loud.  No one's given me a castle.
I watch him do his exercises about his tank... swimming up, down, backwards, forwards.  If I had his dedication I'd be down to a size six by now.  Not that he has much else to do.  Maybe that's why he's always pissed.  But I still love him just the same.  Even when he hides from me and doesn't eat.  He'll come around eventually.  Either that or die.  I really hope he doesn't die.  That wouldn't go over well with me.

Moving on.  I recently, like five minutes ago, read two blogs by two of my closest friends: Cynthia and Megan.  They were both titled: 52-week Challenge (haha kind of like mine...).  Now, seeing as both of these lovely ladies are two of the most inspiring women I know I figure... what the hey.  I'll jump on this challenge bandwagon.  

What is it?  
It pretty much requires me to do something new every week for the entire year.  So by the end of the year I will have done 52 new things.  As Cynthia said, "They can be as simple as trying a new food for the first time or as exciting as sky diving."  That's literally what she wrote.  I just copy and pasted.  I'd be all for sky-diving by the way.  Just throwing that out there.  
Because I figure a) I'm not going to be getting any younger.  b) It will hopefully get me out of my comfort zone at least a few times.  and c) Why not?  Who knows how I'll grow and what I'll learn from these new experiences.  I'm excited.
When is it?
Every week silly! And I'll be updating you as my 'new' things occur.  I have absolutely no idea what they will entail.  But I think I might start making more lists... just to be ready.

Those are all the W's you're getting.  So now my new year's resolutions have grown to 8 things now.  I'm giving myself till January 15 to finalize them all.  More lists!  I have an issue.  

I must get ready for work now.  Have a simply fabulous day and God Bless!