Tuesday, December 29, 2009

numbered things

I haven't expressed my feelings in blog form for over a month it seems like. I feel like a part of me has been lost without you dear blog. Well I am back, at least for a little while, to talk about a few things that have been on my mind as of late.

Thing number 1) Merry Belated Christmas!

Thing number 2) Happy Early New Year!

Thing number 3) I don't know how this happened but I didn't get anything lower then a B on this last semester grades.. I think some of my professors open a couple of bottles of wine when they're tallying their final grades because that is the only thing that makes sense.. not that I am complaining.. pour on the wine.

Thing number 4) I miss my friends from San Diego. Lauren, Cynthia, Megan, and, of course, all you others. I know I don't keep in touch that well, I kind of suck at that, but I do miss you all.

Thing number 5) I am beyond grateful and glad to be with my family. I love them, and they made this winter break amazing thus far. We painted our TV room, and I am currently alphabetizing and making an excel spread sheet of all the VHS, DVD's, Blue ray's, HD's, and Video games we have. I obviously did not bestow this task upon myself, no no, this is all due to my father's generosity. Not that I mind. It is quite funny going through movies I forgot we had, or never even thought we had. The woes of being gone off to college. You want an update? I am about half way through and so far we have: 109 DVDs, 237 VHS in soft cover, 33 VHS in hard cover, and 11 DVD TV seasons. We could honestly start our own mini blockbuster. I will give you the final tally when I am finished with the job. I actually enjoy it.. isn't that odd? lol.

Thing number 6) Being 21 rocks. Like seriously rocks. I played Bingo the other day. Didn't win, but it was totally fun. I tried a Long Island Ice tea for the first time... it tastes like ICE TEA with LEMON!!! it's a miracle drink. And I played some poker and won two dollars!!! All the while hanging out with a friend from high school that I haven't seen in over a YEAR!!! it was awesome. And I want to do it again with my MOM!!! lol. Just because I have the coolest mom ever.

Thing number 7) I am now addicted to Veronica Mars. Not as good as Gilmore Girls, but it is pretty fabulous (and kinda in a different genre anyways). Mainly because I now adore the guy who plays Logan Echolls: Jason Dohring. Freaking woah... Like i will admit I twitter stalked him. (Yes he has a twitter..) alas I was too shy to follow him. I would just feel like a creeper/stalker.. haha. No i do not think I passed that line by looking him up thank you very much. :P

Thing number 8) My dog is dying. This was his last Christmas, and every day is a struggle not knowing if it will be a good or bad day. I have to hand feed him in order to make sure he eats. He does walk around and still wags his tail which is why we haven't put him down yet. I can tell he is trying.. he has a tumor growing around his stomach making it difficult to digest food, hence why we have to cut up steak and feed it to him. He has been with me since I lived in Texas. Which, this April, would have been ten years. I know you can't really understand how I feel unless you've lost a pet of your own.. But they get to be more then just pets. They're a part of the family. and that's what Tigger is. Family. We have a family portrait with him for crying out loud. He is the sweetest big dog you'd ever meet. And most of the time I am okay, but when I think about him actually leaving forever it just hurts. He was always here when I came home from college. Wagging his tail all eager to see me. He'd bark to me over the phone. I would read to him in church under an umbrella (i was never a normal kid.. you should know this by now) when he was a puppy. I wish the tumor could go away.. and he'd be back to his happy-go-lucky self, but I know that it is impossible.. so for now I am trying to make him the happiest sick dog that ever was. I love him, and really hope that all dogs do go to heaven.

Until next time.. Stay safe, and maybe say a little prayer for all the wonderful people (and dogs) you have in your life. I know I will.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Complaining about Radishes?

(720): You can't like Harry Potter and Twilight. You have to pick. Vampires and Wizards are mutually exclusive.

I beg to differ 720 area code person. They two entirely different genres. Action/Fantasy and then Romance/Fantasy. Completely different. And thus with my point proven I like both. And will not choose between the two. Though just between you and me, Harry Potter is better. :D

Thanksgiving break is over, and I have probably one of the most stressful two weeks in existence coming up. I literally want to run away to a day spa and forget about everything.

First I have One Acts in one week. Not that I think they will go bad.. but I have to find my bloody props!!! And I need to sit down and configure everything I haven't so far, which is alot. And if this was the main thing I could spend my time on I would be a lot less worried.
But no, I have rehearsals for the Fantasticks every day during the week, which I love but it is just overly time consuming when I need to actually be doing HOMEWORK. which brings me to creative writing: I HATE THIS CLASS WITH MORE PASSION AND FERVOR THEN I HAVE IN A VERY VERY VERY LONG LONG LONG TIME. I have to make a freaking book!! of things I have written. Let's face it, I haven't had time to write. And when I do write they always go unfinished. I want to make a book of unfinished stories. lol. You think that would be okay? I think it would be a cool little twist on the book.

And in all honesty all these things I mentioned above are things I live for! writing and acting and directing!! hell ya! but I feel like the time constraint is really sending me for a loop. Not to mention I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND MY KEYS!!! I cant get into my bloody dorm or room, and thus have to wait until a roommate is back which lets face it Cynthia is just as busy as I am. And Vanessa only goes back to the room when she is like done for the day. So I can't even go to my room to detox or do homework because I have to pay $5 to get let back in every single time (unless I wait for roommates as said previously)!!! because PLNU doesn't take enough of my money you know?

Okay one more thing to complain about then I am done and will think happy thoughts: Nevermind I don't have time. nor do I think I should talk about it here because I think it would offend some people. and by some people I mean one person, but like I said I don't have time.

At least Christmas is coming up. which means Christmas shopping which would be a lot less hectic if I knew what everyone WANTED!!! (thank you for the few that have told me.)

Anyways, I am off to plant a radish. or two.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Say, is your tardy master now at hand?

432): So why didn't Edward and the Cullens just kill Hitler?

The fact New Moon comes out in 9 days makes me happy.
The fact I have to memorize a shakespeare scene makes me less happy.
However today is my last day of being twenty, I hardly think that either one of those things are going to matter tomorrow. (well the New Moon release might, but not until later in the day when I am driving by myself for two hours and just happen to start thinking about it)
Yes, I am turning 21 tomorrow. The countdown is almost over. And I am kind of sad.. I don't have an exciting birthday to look forward to until 25.. when my insurance goes down and I can rent a car.. and I am quarter of a century old.. really exciting things no doubt.. but in comparison to tomorrow? Not so much. So this is like an epic birthday.. and yet it all feels surreal. Maybe it will feel more real at DISNEYLAND!!! with my free disney money and birthday button!!! yes.. be jealous of the birthday button.

So for the next four hours I am going to bask in my naivete (^_^) and go to rehearsal, do some homework, vent on here a little about how a guy in my creative writing class is a douche, memorize my shakespeare scene, and do my laundry (which I planned to do earlier but alas, failed miserably)

Dear Robert (guy in my creative writing class),
I understand that you think you are cool with your blonde spiky hair and brown noser attitude. But understand that in reality you are a douche bag. When you talk down and laugh at your peers you merit a douche bag button. Stop thinking your God's gift to writing and do us all a favor and come down with Mono. And no I am not going to make you a douche bag button.. it will be invisible. Oh and it is my birthday tomorrow, which means I can punch you. Just a forewarning. Have a lovely day. :)

So yes, I vented and now I am off to rehearsal. Which, I hope I am doing okay in.. I feel like Ronda gives everyone else a lot of direction but a limited amount to me. Maybe I am just being paranoid, but I want to do well here, and I don't know if I am really doing that.. time will tell.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quarantine.. not the movie.. that's just creepy.

Today I was placed in quarantine. What does this mean? well let me explain.. I went to the wellness center on campus and they took my temperature. It was 101.8 degrees. Yes, I indeed had a fever. So because I am coughing, having muscle pains, headaches, and sinus problems they concluded I had Flu-Like symptoms and was to be placed in isolation. Which is where I am now. A room in young hall.. a boy dorm on the PLNU campus. You see there are so many girls that need to be quarantined they had to start placing us in the spots reserved for boys. I think it's funny. And it may sound like I am complaining, but I am just bitter because I am sick. Hopefully being away from people and staying inside will help me get better faster; it just kind of sucks not being able to see your friends and even, dare I say it, go to class. You may note the time, and think, shouldn't she be sleeping? However I have tried to sleep, but seeing as they gave me no medicine to help me sleep I am still awake.. coughing and wheezing away. I should have grabbed some nightquil before I left the room this morning. I should have grabbed alot of things this morning.. because once they diagnosed me with flu-like symptoms I was no longer allowed anywhere near my room. And I could go on and continue to complain but I think I shall change the subject now.

I got a part in the musical the Fantasticks!!!! I was lying on a cot in the middle of a conference room in the wellness center when I found out. I am surprised someone didn't come in and check on me I screamed so loud. I am incredibly nervous don't get me wrong.. I haven't actually been in a musical for almost three years, but I think my excitement outweighs everything else. Sadly I will still be in quarantine for the first read-through.. but thank God for skype. It will be like a conference call.
Oh and on a completely different note.. my phone is broken!! Somehow the screen completely broke, and all I see is white. So pretty much the only people I can call are on my speed dial.. and I only remember the first 5 that are programed. And sometimes, if I am lucky, I can reach other people.. but it truly is luck. Stupid obnoxious phone. So if you have texted me at all in the past four days.. and I havent replied you now know why. But I still receive calls!! so Call away, and feel free to send me care packages.. (of course I am going to milk this sickness for all I can get! lol) Actually Lauren and Megan brought me over movies and cake and Pajamas. I don't know how good the cake is for me.. but it was amazing just the same!! Well I am off to try and sleep again. Wish me luck.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is everybody ready? Is everybody looking at me?

(615): small problem..I have a major exam in the morning so I might have to go to the library after the party
(423): so no drinking for you?
(615): don't be silly

Not that TFLN is the example I will live my life by when I turn 21 in fourteen days, but it sure is chuckle worthy. Actually I wont be able to drink at all because I go to Point Loma, and there is a strict no drinking policy stated in the covenant I signed Freshman year. So if you see someone who looks like me drinking.. you need to get your eyes checked.. because it obviously can't be me. That would be stupid. Just thought I'd explain that.

Wow, I feel incredibly ridiculous starting my blog off about alcohol. I think it was the only thing I wasn't going to get all emotional about.. which lets face it, I was just putting off until now. But to start off on a good note, Waiting for Godot went off without a hitch tonight. It was bloody fantastic. The equivalent to any really good show you may have seen in the past.. hands down. It made me wish I was more then just the crash box girl. But I guess at least I am involved.. took me long enough, seriously. Speaking of getting involved, I know I have already mentioned the Fantasticks auditions Monday, but I am getting increasingly more nervous. I should in fact probably be memorizing my monologue instead of writing this.. but all in due course.. or is it time? Either way I will get to it eventually. I practiced my try-out song today at voice lessons, and I then listened to the recording and decided I dislike how I sound. lol. But apparently that's normal so I have concluded not to worry about it.

This weekend is Halloween!!! I feel like I should be more excited.. but I am not.. probably because I am going to not eat candy. And by not eat candy I mean limit my intake, because lets face it I am addicted to sweets. But (and as I am rereading this for spelling and grammatical errors I have no idea how I leaped from the topic of having a candy addiction to losing weight.. seems contradictory.. but yet not very surprising) I have figured that since salads weren't helping my whole 'losing weight' plan, I shall move onto soup. And only broth type soups, even though I extremely dislike broth type soups, because cream is not that healthy for one such as myself. (and here I connect the two topics! I am a genius!) Then again neither are sweets. darn it! Okay.. I am reluctantly stating here and now that I am not allowed any more sweets until my birthday. that is two weeks. I can do it! and I shall cry loudly in protest when anyone offers me a piece of candy.

One more thing before I end this rather not as emotionally driven as I thought it was going to be blog. I love music. :D It takes awhile but no matter what hopelessly depressed or angry mood I am in, it helps.. Nothing else on earth like it. It is like candy for your ears.. but totally healthy!!! haha. I just had to tie in food one more time. And for the finishing touch:

If music be the food of love, play on. - the man, William Shakespeare.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I can't seem to be serious.. maybe it's the candy.

(702): So what does a sober person do in Vegas on a Friday night?

And I would have replied to this text with: Play lots of board games. :) I find it quite fulfilling actually, playing board games that is. Hear me out: you get to hang out with people you like, laugh a lot, be crazy, and try to beat them all at the same time. How can you not have fun doing that?? Sure sometimes my family gets a little too competitive and it seems like more of a smack down then a family game night, but in the end I can look back and laugh. Which is really all that matters I think.
So, I watch the show Glee. And I absolutely love it, but it is definitely not for everyone. But I do have a reason for bringing it up besides promoting it, the main girl, Rachel, was the main girl in Spring Awakening when it first opened on Broadway. That means I already have her voice on my Itunes because I have the Spring Awakening soundtrack! Because Spring Awakening is amazing. Musicals in general are amazing, but that is beside the point. Speaking of theatre, I am in the Soloman Theatre right now (Point Loma's theatre) with Lauren and Bryant. Lauren is cleaning and Bryant is playing on her phone. They are going to go far as a couple.. and I am so calling Godmother for all their children. They might not know this yet.. but it's the truth. :D Oh and I will also be a bridesmaid. haha not in that order of course.
Tryouts for The Fantasticks are in a week. I am excited.. Because once Waiting for Godot is over I won't have anything to occupy my mind, and God knows I need to be kept busy otherwise I might go insane, because I think way too much and theatre keeps me from thinking, well about my life at least. And I love theatre, even when it gives me an aneurysm.

PS 18 days until my birthday!! yeehaw.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

a vague supplication

Today was my seventeenth birthday. We have this tradition where one parent signs the birthday card, and then the other signs it, and the first parent doesn't get to look at it ever again until I open it. This time, my mom got to sign first. She wrote, "Only one more year till you're legally an adult! *kisses*" My dad wrote underneath that, "Sorry about her. She's a Muggle." MLIA

Today has been rather uneventful so far. I had a wicked strange dream though. Strange as in odd as in totally wish it would happen but it never will. *sigh* And then I wake up and I go back to this life I lead, which I completely love except for the fact that I am currently emotional. And by emotional I don't technically mean I want to cry about everything. More so I would like to punch people for being stupid or rude or down right mean. That and I get irritated easily. Like now.. I am thinking of this whole huge scenario that has been going on since forever now (really only about a year and half, but still). And this issue has me completely agitated, because I have all these people telling me one thing and then some telling me other things, and then the one person that it is referring to doesn't tell me at all, or skirts around the entire subject. Which okay, I should just have patience. What is the rush right? BUT I JUST WANT TO KNOW!!!!!! you know? And then I am too big of a sissy to ask myself.. noway. And I know that as the reader you're probably staring at the screen thinking, she has completely lost her mind, which I won't deny.. I probably have. And I know I make zero sense at the moment, but I just had to vent because the biggest problem with this whole scenario is that I don't even know how I feel about it. hmph.
Anyway... ha ha. I started writing my story again. It is actually incredibly lame at the moment, because I know what is going to happen, and I want to just hump to the really fun and interesting parts but I can't because I have to lead up to them. But I don't want to lead up to them!!! It's a big argument that goes on inside my head. And that can't be a good sign.. arguing with myself.. I blame it on these Godot rehearsals.
Every night all night.. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I absolutely adore every single person involved in this show. I just don't enjoy the drama. Which is kind of ironic since that is another name for theater.. but seriously.. WHY CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? Sing Kumbaya or something, because by the end of the night I am surprised that one, if not all of us, are not dead. But then again, I think I live for all of it. Including the daily drama. Weird how my brain works. One big giant circle.
Well I am off to apparel construction, aka sewing class. We learn how to sew in zippers today.. and every single time I turn on that sewing machine I am afraid I am going to suck at it.. the sewing I mean, but somehow it all works out. It's kind of like a metaphor for my life. lol.

Adieu, until next time. :D

Monday, October 19, 2009

Knock knock ... whose there? ... you know ... you know who? ... Exactly! Avada Kedavra!!

Last night, I was at a highschool football game. My friend paid the announcer in the booth fifteen bucks to say, "Ten points for Gryffindor!" every time our team scored. He did. It was the best night ever. MLIA

I miss high school football games. Well the ones that were at my first high school. But not really the second. Because the second was kind of not exciting. and not too many people even went to them. But just the same, I miss high school. Today has not been that great.. in fact I think I am just irritable.. and I feel like I really pissed some people off today too. Really fantastic. And to top it all off I have only eaten doughnut holes today. super healthy right? Now I am at rehearsal, and all these sounds and voices make me want to kick things violently. Or cry. Neither very helpful.

My weekend was pleasant though. Game nights and swimming pools. I have some video excerpts that I will probably place up here eventually, when i find the time to download them to my computer. It really was a fun weekend. And since I have not been able to hang out with my roommates for the longest time it was well overdue.
I also got to hang out with my Grandma. She took me to Mimi's. Funny story about that.. we get there and she rolls down the windows because she wants it to to be cool when we come back out. and then she proceeds to take the keys and place them in the cup holder and puts used tissues over them saying, "We'll just leave the keys here and.." well of course i interrupt her and ask what she is doing. she then explains she is leaving the keys in the car (mind you the windows are still rolled down completely) Thus I grabbed the keys and put them in my purse saying, "We live in southern california Grandma. We do not leave our keys in the car in southern california." It made me laugh. She doesn't drive much. But I love her. Very much.

On a different note, I am at rehearsal as stated previously and there is this one girl named Rebecca who has made me smile a considerable amount more since I began this blog.. by: pointing out that the rock onstage is in fact square.. very very square. lol. and then prancing around in this brown cape type thing quoting lines from Lord of the Rings.. when in reality it is her costume for Waiting for Godot. hahaha.

I am now going to attempt to write more of my fanfiction story that I have not touched in a month. Wish me luck, I hope I can get the imagination station up and running again.. yes, i just referred to my brain as the imagination station. be jealous.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today, my boyfriend and I decided to go to the movies. we put on our coats and scarves. while waiting outside the theater to buy tickets, a little girl walked up to us, stared at my boyfriend as though she was scared, looked at me in a disgusted way and said "i thought you were better than this!" we were thoroughly confused until we realized I had bushy brown hair and was wearing a scarlet and gold scarf. he has silvery blond hair and had an emerald scarf. I love this little girl, and completely agree. MLIA

Please tell me you understand what this is alluding to.. because it made my day. (I heart Harry Potter references)
I am switching it up, so instead of the normal Text from last night quotes, which are still fabulous, I will also give you a little dose of My Life Is Average.com It is absolutely wonderful.

I don't have alot of time to talk considering I really need to get started on my ten page paper that is due TOMORROW!!!! AGHHHH. But I did cast my show last night, and I am incredibly excited. I think all three actors have some major talent and if they work hard will be able to pull this off!!! with a little help from moi. :D

I am off to lunch and then sewing and then PAPER!!! it shall prove to be the bane of my existence, I just know it.

Monday, October 12, 2009


(268): she thought Don Quixote was a type of tequila.

I think I might tell my Lit professor this quote; he would appreciate it. I know I did. :D
So this past weekend I went to Disneyland, which yes is a regular occurrence, but they had it all decorated for Halloween!!! It was wonderful. Even Space Mountain was redone as Ghost Galaxy. It was trippy. I loved it. And then the Fireworks!!!! I cannot even begin to explain how fantastic they were. Which reminds me.. I have yet to see A Nightmare Before Christmas... I think I should do that this Halloween.
Speaking off all things black and orange, I need help figuring out what I should be. Freshman year I was a hippie (at the last minute mind you) as a Sophomore I was a Tiger (it was pretty awesome) and this year.. All ideas escape me. Help me? Nothing whorish because that is just not me. Nor is it allowed at the Halloween party I am going to. Just the same.. ideas people, ideas!!!
Tomorrow I cast my One-Act. I am totally and completely excited!! Even more excited then when I audition, because I know for sure I have a part. Even if it is as the director. I have to pick out my cold read scenes, copy and then print them. Then the auditions are at 730 tomorrow evening!!! So if you go to point loma you should show up at Salomon Theatre and try out!!! :)
Until then I will be listening to Glee and trying to figure out how to write this ten page paper that is due in three days. Oh and harvesting my sunflowers on farmville. You know you're jealous.

PS I have not written on my stories in who knows how long.. I don't know what is wrong with me.. I wish there was a way to get the creative juices flowing, but alas I know of nothing.
PPS Only 30 Days until my birthday!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

London Calling.

Approximately 311 days until I am in London. I don't think words can begin to explain how excited I am.
PS Yes, this means I got accepted. :D

Pillow Perfect

(608): Well, for starters you dressed up in all Green and kept singing that song from "A Goofy Movie". Then you made us call you Powerline for the rest of the night...needless to say no, you didn't hook up with her

I love that movie. In fact I think I shall listen to the soundtrack as I type this (yes, I own the soundtrack; this should not surprise any of you). ::open itunes and find music:: Yep, this is definitely my jam. Good thing I have no intentions of hooking up with anyone because apparently I would fail. :D

So I said I would put some pictures up here once I finished my pillow from sewing class. Guess what? I finished my pillow! hah. I would also like to mention that I got an A+ on it. I think it is the first A+ I have gotten since I started College. haha... Anyway here it is :)

Sure it is not your normal color scheme, but I like it. You should see the hand stitching I did.. Geesh that took forever. Tell me what you think? Should I start making pillow cases for a living? Just kidding. Obviously.

On to more pressing matters. I still do not know if I am going to London. I just want to know if I get to go or not. That way this growing anxiety could turn into anticipation (if I can go) or acceptance (if I can't go). But I promise I won't bring up the topic again until I find out okay? And speaking of theater, I offered Ronda (the director for the winter musical) to be her Stage Manager. If, of course, I do not get in the musical.. which let's face reality here.. If I can't make a student directed musical the chance I'll make Ronda's is slim to none. But like a good theater major I am trying out. But you all can refer me back to this blog when I get my hopes up and think I'll make it.

I should get going now; I have a tennis midterm I need to study for. And a musical program to make, because even though I wasn't cast in I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change I still have to promote it and help with it, because that is what you get when you are one of the board members. Oh and like 4 stories to write for creative fiction... joy.

But only 35 more days until I turn TWENTY-ONE. so ultimately, I am very happy.

Monday, October 5, 2009

bored and pointless

(225): Dude stop singing. Your life is not an episode of glee

(623): listen if there's one thing I'm asking of you tonight is that you buy me a cow for my farmville.
(202): Tell me you're stoned. It's 2:40 am.

Two TFLN quotes. Aren't you lucky? I think they are fantastic.. Well I shall first start with describing my weekend, in no particular order.
I was bored. I did laundry. I made numerous facebook videos expressing my boredom. I cleaned the floor with windex. I went to the library. I watched two children movies (sword in the stone and Fievel Goes West). I went to a video store that had 'Pinocchio in space' for sale. I rented Monsters vs Aliens. I ate candy. I watched a lot of shows on hulu. I bought at least four quesadillas. I was all alone in my room all weekend.
All in all, not exactly productive, but it was relaxing. Sure there was homework I could have done. In fact I had a project due today (don't worry I finished and presented it on time. I thought it went pretty well actually). But anyway that was the last three days.. and now I feel empty.

Seriously, I feel absolutely drained and I have not even done anything!!!!!!! I am so frustrated. If anything I just feel nervous and anxious because I have yet to find out if I was accepted for the London term or not. And then I have not been able to write (for fun) for about a week or two now and it is really getting to me. At the library I got some books, because again I have not read a book for fun since the beginning of school, and I started one and it is funny but my brain will not focus!!!

And then my car is still dirty even though I had totally planned to wash it this weekend. I have a speeding ticket that I SHOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN!!! WHO GIVES SPEEDING TICKETS AT FOUR-THIRTY IN THE MORNING??? STUPID VEGAS COPS THAT'S WHO!!!! So yeah I still have to figure that all out. I could go on and on about all the things my brain kept me up for last night (two hours of tossing and turning..) but I wont.. because then I would be whining. And who wants to read a whiny blog? Though I might have already gotten to that point huh? At least it is October, which means next month is November. And then it is my birthday. Yay. :D

Thursday, October 1, 2009

oh If I were a wizard

(630): if I was a wizard from waverly place we wouldn't be having these problems

Back to school for three days now and I am bored. Completely bored. School isn't boring exactly. I like my classes for the most part. In fact I love my sewing class. I just finished making a pillow. When I get it back from being graded I am totally taking pictures of it and placing it on here to show the world... or more particularly you, the reader. :) I think it is kind of pretty, but I will let you be the judge.

I am going to be all alone in my room this weekend. come visit me? Even if you live off in never never land you should figure out a way to visit. Or maybe I could go to DisneyLand. And then you wouldn't have to visit because I would be in the happiest place on earth. Then again I have no money. sad day.

I saw Fame and Surrogates. Fame was amazing. Surrogates was interesting. I am going to get the Fame soundtrack from my RA... not going to lie, that makes me happy.

I am beginning to realize how much I have nothing to talk about... why is that?? Oh right, it is because I am BORED. >.<>

Considering this blog was practically pointless I shall reward you for making through it. This is a bored baby. And I think he is very cute. If I looked this cute being bored I think a lot more people would entertain me. That said... I want his hat.

Friday, September 25, 2009

High School... again.

I am currently sitting in a classroom at my Alma Mater. Faith Lutheran jr/sr high school. and i am soooooo bored. first of all i have no internet. secondly i didnt bring anything to read or do for that matter. thirdly i am exhausted but cant take a nap because the floor is ridiculously hard. and fourthly i would like to punch some of these kids, particularly the loud obnoxious girl in the front, in the face. luckily i have my phone. though it is times like these i wish i had an iphone. hmph.
I am here because my mom substitutes and she didnt want to go alone. or more accurately put, she didnt want me to be alone at home. but either way i am here and afterwards i get to go and see Fame!!!! which by the way get this. the person my mom is substituting for (a geometry teacher) puts a cd into the computer connects it to a projector and the students are taught by a power point slide the school provided. the teacher doesnt even teach??? what the hell?? and i want to get into this line of work? the day theater is taught by a power point is the day i move to canada.
and to top it all off my throat is still killing me. it feels like a swallowed a cactus. whole. but i am home in vegas and get to chill with my mom, so all in all i am happy. and i am away from people that continue to frustrate me on a daily basis.. so actually that makes me really happy! haha. if i continue to stay bored and i fail to find anything to do.. ill probably post another blog soon.. and i have no idea what itll be about.. maybe ill give you my opinion on some political scandal. okay thats a lie.. i would never do that. lol.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That 3 hour play was...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Cyrano de Bergerac. I don't think I can quite explain how amazing it was. As I was watching it I just felt this overwhelming calm set over me. Not because it was a calm play.. oh no, definitely not calm.. but because plays like that are how I know I am supposed to be a theater major. Simply beautiful. Okay sorry.. i had to rant a little.. now back to my regular blog.

(203): a girl in my class is on a twilight fan site and running her fingers on the screen as edwards body comes up.

Awesome right? haha. Edward is not even that hot. Now Jacob on the other hand... lol. :D Anyway my weekend was fabulous. I went to six flags, and disneyland. It was pure joy. I got to hang out with some of the coolest people ever. Then school started again, and well I will be honest I have been rather emotional lately and it sucks. Emotional for no reason mind you. But I will get over it, as I always do.

For the most part I do not have a lot to talk about. So for once I shall leave this pretty short and simple. :D

PS... I am going to add a countdown widget for my 21st birthday. let's all get excited... starting now.
PPS never mind.. the countdown widget would not work.. but apparently I only have 50 more days to go.. so woo hoo.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Like a 5 pointed Star, but in blog form

(920): in spanish class. the girl next to me asked what Galapagos were. i told her they were islands. now she thinks Galapagos means islands in spanish

Stupid people never cease to amaze me.
Now I have five main points to hit on in this blog, so it might be kind of long, just forewarning you.
Point 1)
I officially welcome the weekend with this blog. Because Lord knows I need it. I have been so stressed and completely frazzled this week and I am kind of tired of it. Hence the need for the next three days. Though I will admit it has not started out like planned.

original plan:
friday..grandparents visit and then go to six flags meet up with Michael; have fun.
saturday.. theater work day and Mandy's b-day party
sunday.. watch some 3 hour french play in the evening

reformatted plan:
friday.. found out grandparents are not coming, nor is Michael (the one person i was going to hang out with because I knew no one else going) going to six flags anymore. Did all that I could to sell ticket including talking to the cool guy in the radio booth and convincing him to make an announcement on KPLR (the schools radio station), which he did, twice. But then my friend Megan took pity on me and figured out a way to get money to go with me. So now I am sleeping in, getting ready and then leaving for six flags with Megan and Aimelle.
saturday.. i wish i could skip theater work day but alas there are only 12 majors and I would feel like they would notice my absence. And then Lauren, Bryant, Megan, and I are going to DISNEYLAND where I will proceed to buy Lauren her birthday crown.
sunday.. still watching some 3 hour french play. i would tell you what it is, but i have no idea how to spell it and am too lazy to look it up at the moment.

Of course I will probably get on here at the end of the weekend to tell you how much my reformatted plan didn't go as planned. ha ha.

Point 2)
FARMVILLE anyone?!?!?! Like seriously, so addicting. It is on facebook, and I looooove it. It is pretty much a Sims farm, which is awesome because of course I like Sims, specifically the roller coaster one. And a farm is kind of like an amusement park, without the rides and a lot more plants and animals. So I suggest getting on facebook and becoming apart of this wonderful adventure.

Point 3)
I got the A Very Potter Musical soundtrack. And if you have not seen it on youtube, please, I beg of you to watch it now. And if you have already seen it, go watch it again.
Also check out College Musical. That is pretty amazing too, even if it isn't about magical things. Both have swearing or sexual innuendos just for your info. :D But they're still fantastic.

Point 4)
I have never realized how much I dislike poetry. I am taking this creative writing class and we have been focusing on poetry, and I was always taught that poetry is relative. It can mean something different for each person blah blah blah. Which made me feel better considering I write fiction not poetry. But instead we get this critical book that tears down poems that I think are just fine. Thus the teacher will read a poem of mine, write a comment on it, and in my head I am like WTF??? IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABSTRACT!!!!! its a freaking poem!!! but whatever, this was our last week of poetry and i say Good Riddance.

And last but not least
Point 5)
I was talking to one of my friends who graduated last year last night. And we never exactly talked a lot while he was here, but we were definitely friends. (he was a theater major like me which obviously means he's awesome) So we started talking and all, and he mentioned my blog where I blew up at the world. Which led to other such things. But my point for bringing this conversation I had with Chris (that's his name. haha) is because he said one of the coolest things I have probably ever heard. And although a good chunk of our conversation could be turned into a self help book, I will only give you this one quote:

"i say just take a good look at your life and make sure you are really being who you want to be and doing what you wanna do cause there's less than no point in doing otherwise"
-Chris Pineda

Truer words have never been spoken. Well okay, maybe by Jesus. But personally I think what he said is truth. If you're pretending to be someone else (ie trying to satisfy others opinions) your entire life because you're afraid of what people might potentially think.. then you'll never get the chance to see what they'd think of the real you. Because lets face it, people judge. And I think I am getting to the point I would rather be judged for who I am then who I am pretending to be.
Just a little something to think about. :D

End of points!