Friday, August 7, 2009

When it comes to feelings...

You ever write an entire blog, then re-read it and decide nope, not going to post it? Because I am pretty sure I do that all the time. Which defeats the purpose of a blog that is supposed to inhabit my true feelings. I guess I could sum up the blog I erased really quickly:

Being a girl kinda sucks. Emotional mood swings suck. Today is beginning to suck. My brain feels like scrabble. And I suck at scrabble.

That was pretty much the gist of it. I think I deleted it because it made me even more sad. Though I do not know why I am sad in the first place. I was happy yesterday, as my blog from yesterday proves. But I am not happy right now. I don't know what I am exactly. Frustrated maybe. Let down. Perhaps angry at myself for a multitude of reasons. I don't want to focus on all that though. I am not going to let this (whatever "this" is) upset me anymore. Hence change of subject:

I saw Julie & Julia today. It was pretty incredible. Meryl Streep was fantastic. Amy Adams was adorable. And it made me want to cook. And I don't cook. Well besides the usual mac & cheese or some type of pasta. (I heart carbs... hah like you all didn't know this by looking at me.) But I have to be able to, my brother is good at it and so is my mom. I have to have some sort of good cooking genes right? I think it is probable. My brother disagrees with me. I stick my tongue out at my brother :p

I feel better now. And I want to write. I would continue on to tell you all about the books I have read this summer. (eleven total so far) But I think I will save that for another blog for another day.

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