Thursday, August 6, 2009

the end of summmerrr

summer is almost over. and i can honestly say i dont think ive ever had a less productive one.  Not to say it wasnt fun.  it was great fun.  i dont think ive ever been so lazy.  but i am beyond excited to go back to school. not just because i miss all my friends and even some of the teachers but because i miss classes!!! i miss being involved and busy!!! i dont miss papers.. i never miss papers.. but thats about the only thing i dont miss.. oh and chapels.. never been a big fan of chapels. haha.  

and this year i am an upper classWOman!!!!  talk about yikes! im sure ill feel no different then last year, but its cool just the same.  i dont know why i am in such a good mood right now.. but i could practically skip.  and maybe do a little jig.  well that was my update.  catch-ya laterz! haha yeah right.. me a junior in college.. its laughable.  

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