Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the woes of packing..

(434): he's afraid if he sleeps with me i'll go all lavender brown on him

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHHA. I love harry potter references.  sorry i was on TFLN again.. its addicting.. and i find it calms my nerves while packing.. i think my mom is worried about my sanity, i kind of had a breakdown in front of her (caused by all this packing btw).. which consisted of alot of yelling and cussing.  and if you know me.. i dont cuss in front of my parents.  and yet i did.  way to burn bridges let me tell you.  i dont care how old i get.. im pretty sure my mom will always have the power to wash my mouth out with soap.  and on that note i dont know how my mom does it.. puts up with me and my brother and my dad.. if i were her i think i would have just killed us all by now and lived in prison for the rest of my life. (that doesnt say alot about me does it?) but seriously i dont know how she does it.. i could not have asked for more of a fantastic mom.  if i ever get lots of money.. she is totally getting her dream house and car. its the first thing on my list.. in front of college tuition even.. yeah shes that great.  so i guess i have postponed packing long enough.. back to folding and cleaning and dying slowly.. 

but just for fun.. here is another TFLN quote.. that some of my friends can directly relate to me. hehe.

(434): u know ur drinking tonight lol i dont know why you try to deny it
(1-434): but i dont wanna get emotional and drunk text
(434): then give me ur phone
(1-434): NEVER!!

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